Hello beautiful people. We will be looking at what conflicts are and how we can resolve them.

It can be conflicts in relationships, it can be marriage, it can be something romantic, it can be in a workplace, and it can also be in our environments.

To me, conflicts in relationships are those differences we have regarding issues. Especially when we talk about the way we see things and approach them.

While this discourse centers around love life/romantic relationships, I would like us to bear in mind that the topic also applies to other kinds of relationships, like between friends, parents and children, siblings,

The first question:
What is your understanding of conflict in relationships?

Conflict refers to a clash (angry argument) or disagreement, often violent, between two (or more) individuals.


In this case, it means that conflict doesn't just stop at identified differences, but goes further to result in argument and violence, maybe mild or extreme.

Refusing to talk to someone dear, as a result of anger, which originally stemmed from differences. When I vex and refuse to talk to my wife, that is conflict.

When the money finishes the one who thinks he contributes more is asking the one whom he thinks has been spending more to give account.

When one party feels disrespected by something the other party said or did. Those instances where one needs to do something but the other party is not ready to do it or not in support at all When there is a misunderstanding that cannot be overlooked. Also when one fails to play their part intentionally

For instance, pursuing a (new) career or purpose. Worse is if the other party is not giving any "reasonable" reason. Especially when the other party does not see it that way, and is not ready to apologize. True, and then it becomes a recurring thing, and this could either be minor or big.

As minor as, "Why did you put your shoes here?", "don't you know I like to have my shoes close to where I can wear them the following day?"

And as major as "I don't want to have your sister come do a short stay with us anymore, I don't like the way different guys flood this house whenever she is around.", "I'm sorry that can't happen, she's my sister."

I'll say, the most hurtful ones are when the other party knows this is something you do not like, but continue to do it, and you're tired of hearing them say sorry, only to repeat it. When you complain, you become the witch.

Let me say, that in most cases, the main cause of conflict is misunderstanding. People are different with different opinions on certain things. Issues as simple as "Do not press the toothpaste from the middle but start from the bottom" can lead to a conflict.

Meanwhile, some people like trouble. Personally, if a particular person or loved one keeps annoying me, I annoy you back intentionally so you'd feel it too. Some people have trouble with their bodies. Other times, conflicts persist because the other party cannot say sorry or cannot back up their sorry with actions and as such, they keep making the same mistakes, not knowing how to treat others. This is why emotional intelligence is a very important skill.
