Hello beautiful people. Listening attentively and selectively has become one of the most critical skills that is needed in this age because the floodgates of information have been opened and we are bombarded with so much we need to be careful to separate junk from useful data.

Listening is one of the key ingredients in successful communication, if you don't listen ycannot comprehend. You can listen with your five senses because you don't listen with the ear alone but with your eyes and other senses as well. A person can be saying something but their body posture, gestures, facial features, smell, touch, and even taste will be saying something else.


The art of responsible listening is the balance mechanism of the body and of life itself, you gain inner peace and equilibrium when you can adequately balance what you receive into your ecosystem, figuring out what is needed or not to navigate life as a whole.

It goes beyond listening to respond or listening to give back an intelligent opinion as well as assert your dominance and influence. A parent who doesn't listen to the children at a tender age, quickly dismissing their opinions will find that they become withdrawn teenagers.

Sometimes when they become adults they try again to state their opinions and if they aren't taken seriously, when they gain independence they are gone forever. In old age, rather than have their children, it will be a stranger who will be by their bedsides. It will take the parent great effort to repair that error. The same goes for partners, colleagues, spouses, and team members.

A leader who doesn't listen attentively and selectively to the opinions and advice of his followers is setting himself up for a massively celebrated failure. At first, they will be loyal, trying their best to keep up even if their opinions are dismissed, but soon, they will withdraw and before long, they will completely stop participating with enthusiasm.

Look at companies or organizations that have folded or gone out of business 90% of them didn't listen to customer or client feedback. 90% of company that have thrived have carefully listened to their customers and inculcated their feedback into their products and their services.

Innovation is great, but if there is no one to enjoy it, it will ultimately fail. New strategies are awesome but if the technology to put is to work is absent, it will not achieve its aim.

Take some time to think about how responsible you have been with the art of listening. Have you been doing it for decoration or you have used it to level up?

Your listening mechanism shouldn't be for decorative purposes, learn to use them actively, selectively, and responsibly.
