Hello beautiful people. Manners" Harry said as he walked towards the door, just 2 seconds ago, he hadw been insulted by a group of young spoilt British men who had aimed to bully Eggsy from the Kings Man Movie.

"Maketh" - He latched the door and bolted it locked to make sure the

the lesson he is about to impact doesn't get interrupted by anybody at all from outside the little cafe. He was determined with each hand movement.

"Man" He concluded and turned to face the group of young men, they were poised to him a lesson as well, the first of them rushed forward to strike, he dodged to the side swerved turned face up, and landed a slap on his chest and pushes him away.

With the first of them out of the way, they rush at him and he beats them easily, a slap here, a funny turnaround there, a blow here. When it seems they have had enough, the group leader brings out a gun and aims it at Harry.


Harry extends his walking stick, a customized one, he turns the switch at the end of it until it reads bulletproof.

The walking stick transforms into a bulletproof umbrella-shaped protection. Shots were fired, and shots were deflected. A little more lesson was taught to them via a beating. They left newborn babies. Lesson taught, lesson learned.

The Topic before us today is "What makes a man?".

Follow me I am taking you somewhere. From the story above, it is clear to us that Manners, not money or anything earthly make a man The manner of conduct of a man is the easiest way to Know what kind of man he is.

The way a man walks into a room, the way he speaks; what he says and how he says it, the way he listens to others, and the patience he exercises when he is teaching others. The way a man conducts his business, how he attends to clients and correspondences will determine his growth and success in that business.

The way a man respects, loves and cares for his immediate and extended family will expose to you the type of man he is. The way a man handles money, and material things will show you if he is a man with the right set of manners.

The way a man behaves when he has nothing and when he has everything can expose to you the type of man he was, is, and probably will be. A man who doesn't value little will not value much. A man who doesn't humble himself at the beginning will be as arrogant as possible when he gets going.

The way a man worships his maker is very important. Next to that, the way he treats his parents, teachers, elders, leaders, and even his followers will help you understand what goes on in his mind.

Manners are like smoke, you can pretend for a while or in public but it ultimately comes out. The manners of a man ultimately determine the kind of man he is.

You may be curious and ask me if manners make a man, what then makes Manners?

The way a man thinks is what will inform the way he behaves. The only difference between a mannered man and a mannerless man is the way they think. That is why if you bring a set of identical twins, they will most likely think differently.

I will tell you the story of James and John, identical twins even to the smallest features. They both had an accident and they lost the ability to walk. After a successful surgery, the doctor told them they would be able to walk 18 months later after a series of physical therapy sessions.

James accepted his fate and thought that if the doctor who as we know is an expert in the field says so, who is he to argue with it? John on the other hand refused to accept that.

It will shock you to know that John started walking after 6 months of physical therapy while James spent 3 years before he was able to walk with crotches. That my friends is the power of the thoughts that occupy the mind of a man or a woman.

Are you James or are you John?

The question then is, what are you thinking about? When you are not consciously thinking about a specific thing, what exactly are your thoughts, as you walk on the road, as you are on your way to work while shopping, while cooking, or while in the bathroom?...
