Hello beautiful people. Finally Lights, To be a man is not an activity that you can attain in a day. Watch what is going on in your mind.

How do you then know that you have received help from the Holy Spirit concerning your thought patterns? How do you know that you are on your way to becoming the man that God has destined you to be?

The answer is in Philippines 4:8 Ask yourself the following questions:

Is it TRUE?

Some people think they are useless because they failed at a business or love, but is that true? Are you a failure? No, you are not. So why are you thinking that? If it is not true, stop thinking about it.


Some people think that is how they are because they were told that people from their tribes or countries or state of origin behave in a certain way and there is nothing they can do to change it. This is not true because in Christ you are a new creature, old things are passed away including your tribal and hometown beliefs.

Even though you live in this world you are not of this world. You are a chosen generation, called and set apart for his glorious works.

Only truths should be allowed to dwell in your mind. The Bible says you are the rock on which I will build my church, you are a light, you are a success, and you are blessed in your going out and coming in. This means that you must understand what you represent in this world, what you think about yourself must be true to the word of God, everything else is secondary. Only what God says should be your concern.

Fill your mind with these truths.

Is it NOBLE?

Can we look into what you are thinking about and see the royal emblem on it? You have to think like a king and queen, will a queen be seen at the corner of a building smoking and drinking? Will a queen say that she is lacking? Stop thinking you don't have this and that.

Think like royalty, in your father's kingdom, there are many mansions, the streets are of gold, now tell me if the streets are made of gold, then what will be the currency? Diamonds?

Call forth from the blessings, and stop thinking of poverty, a king is never poor, stand tall and ask your father to open the windows of heaven and pour out until your bank account will cringe under the weight of the abundance you have inherited.

He has raised you so you can stand on mountains. You mount up on wings as eagles so that you can soar high above as a royal people. Stand tall and think like a king.

Is it RIGHT?

if for a second you think it is wrong, beloved, it is wrong. There are no two ways about it. If lying outside is wrong, it is wrong inside too.

Whatever you are thinking about, make sure you think right. Your friend achieves something and the only thing you are thinking about is why is it, not you... Hey, that is wrong, think of how Good God is, and then you will have yours.

You cannot be smiling and then your thoughts are so black. That is wrong. The scriptures say wash me, wash me till I am white as snow, it's not talking of your body, but your mind.

If your mind is filthy, you cannot think right beloved.
