Hello beautiful people. Thoughts are powerful instruments that so many people do not even take cognizance of especially in this current time.

Have you wondered why sometimes you are thinking about something, and then boom it just happens?
Yes, you may think it's just crossing your mind, but sometimes it may be the Holy Spirit prompting you about something that needs urgency. No wonder the Bible tells us clearly to watch our hearts because out of it comes the issue of life.

You become what you feed on and think about over time,
If you always dwell on evil thoughts, you gradually begin to behave like it. But, if your thoughts are true and good, it can also become your reality.

I pray that our thoughts from henceforth, will be good, thoughts that speak life, and not discouragement, thoughts that even in the face of negativity we see light out of it.

You are doing great, and I completely understand that our thoughts can stray, we can look at others and use that information to judge ourselves. It's easy to compare ourselves to others and feel down when we see them achieving more or seemingly doing better.

However, it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and success should be measured by your own progress and achievements, not by comparing yourself to other people who have different processes and metrics for what they have achieved so far in life.

For example, you joined a firm and had a significant number of new clients in your first two months. That is an accomplishment worth celebrating!

Even though your friends had more clients, you discovered that the type of clients you had resulted in a bigger pay for you. That's a clear indication that you're doing well in your niche or category.

It's important to focus on your growth and be observant of how far you've come. Look at the things you can afford now that you couldn't before and acknowledge the improvements you've made.

Comparing yourself to others will only hinder your progress and prevent you from appreciating your achievements. So, keep up the good work, stay positive, and continue to measure your success based on your personal growth and accomplishments.

Just some words of encouragement this season.

This is something to hold onto in times such as this because everyone has something they are thinking about and what they are looking to achieve in life.

Your goals should be on your mind, you should only tune to it and not what any other person is doing.
