OMG, it’s SUNday…


…it seems he’s everywhere! 😉

And that’s the reason why my 3 skinny friends decided to stop watching all the news and to start listening to some music…
Of course, they’re just like me, not so young anymore…and they have to choose from my music collection…

But now I’m wondering if the recent news did influence their choice… because c’mon, that title… Always the Sun…
Nah, I prefer to think they chose this because of the name of the band: The Stranglers! 😊

Although I have to say that I personally would have chosen a number of other titles like…

Something better change
Walk on by
Nuclear device

But wait…thinking about it and seeing all those titles… I think the Stranglers knew this day would come! 😉


BTW: Did you vote already? Want to keep steem decentralised? Than join my skinny friends and cast your witness-votes too here:
(but make sure you don’t vote for the guys who are running the 0.22.5 version… those are the sunny-guys)

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Posted via | The City of Neoxian


Or how about this song?

I would be quite !DERANGED if I didn't give you a !BEER and a !COFFEEA for this $trdo post 😉


I keep on replaying it...but nothing happens 😢


Hm, you have never heard the song "The Sun goes down" before? Me neither, I just liked the title ;) lol

A !BEER has to be cold and a !COFFEEA has to be hot to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

I did, I did... but here the sun is still not going down 🤔😂


Hm, I didn't think Belgium is so high up in the north ... or is it just the street lamp outside of your window that lights up all night? 😂
Just be patient my friend, this particular sun will either go down or shine for us but not blind us 🙂

A !BEER has to be cold and a !COFFEEA has to be hot to taste good and not !DERANGED 😉

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 4 years ago  Reveal Comment