The emotional explosion or implosion, have you experienced it?


Greetings again to all and I hope you are all well, Greetings again to all and I hope you are all well, factors that influence our behavior or conduct there are any type of quantity, our organism thanks to our mind and the energy it needs for its normal functioning becomes an outstanding magnet to attract different types of circumstances to our walk.

In many cases we get used to accumulate within us any number of thoughts that can easily be transformed into words and thus relieve our accumulated internal burden, when we start with the accumulation of actions that influence our lives we can have two ways, one to explode at some point or to develop an implosion.

In reality both leave traces in us, maybe being able to explode emotionally can leave us with a better emotional diagnosis because we manage to expel all that accumulated anger, the only thing is that in all cases when we explode we do not do it in the best possible way and we can cause some damage to the people around us.

The opposite happens when we develop an implosion, since the damage we generally do to ourselves, since every implosion causes damage to the structure where the implosion occurs, in this case our body, this type of action causes many people to isolate themselves and they can commit any or generate any fact against themselves.

We must at all costs transform our thoughts into words that activate our natural valve to relieve our internal pressure otherwise we will always be in the expectation to exploit both externally or internally, we just have to take care of both ends to avoid going through this bad time that can cause a major imbalance in our mind, and therefore, in our behavior.

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