The importance of not thinking so much about those issues that weigh us down



Greetings again my dear friends, it is a pleasure to be back with all of you, I am very grateful to have this kind of platform or digital space which has allowed us so many things, among them to express our emotions, and also to share any other kind of knowledge with anyone who is in different region of our planet and this aspect represents an added value of incalculable importance for those who make life in it.

It seems untrue but we can say or affirm that our mind focuses more on those thoughts that overwhelm us in many ways, perhaps one of the factors that may have great impact on the above described is the complexity at a certain time in solving a problem, this from my vision as a person who has experienced this aspect.



Experimentation is one of the most useful tools for the acquisition of any knowledge, and of course, in this field of knowing is our physical entity in full, one of the major actions we perform as rational beings is to think at all times, and no doubt this is linked to the fact that leads us to the resolution of our existence which implies, for example, that to stay alive we must feed being this natural aspect a notorious fact to think about how to do it.

Our food is only one of the links in the long chain of our activities to be carried out if we really want to continue subsisting, it is not only the fact of feeding ourselves, but also how to achieve it under the rules stipulated in the societies where we are, a scheme which we must follow so as not to complicate our existence and make our mind not to go off even more in thoughts.



We can say that the search for solutions to the events that take us through life is what keeps our thoughts active, now, in us is the control of these thoughts, and also in control not to let ourselves be dominated by so many thoughts, especially if they overwhelm us, the worries are mental phenomena that are born and develop as we prolong the solution to certain eventuality in our life.

There are cases where certain concerns that invade us are alien to us, that is, we worry about what happens to anyone we can appreciate as our parents, siblings, children, among others, something that represents a fact of natural feature and therefore, our mind must have the reciprocity of naturalness to know how to frame such concerns in a permissible range so that our mind does not soar to excessive times of thoughts.

Regardless of our character or behavior by nature we are constantly thinking either to continue with routine or habitual activities which usually already have a pattern of solution, but also our thoughts are hoarding our mind in order to experience new things, new activities, new social circles, among many other aspects of modernity that certainly every day make our mind is occupied more time to think.

We can say from our own experience that there are daily, inter-daily, weekly, monthly or yearly activities or tasks that worry us more than others, and beware, they lead us to spend more time thinking about their solution, even though some may become routine, the truth is that thinking helps us to grow in every sense of life, therefore, super necessary for the rational man, the important thing is to take care of those thoughts that can cause us harm both mentally and physically.

With the premise which clearly indicates that we must think and act rather than just stay in the thought we can get rid of those thoughts that try to occupy more time than they should in our mind, as my own experience I can say it even though there are times that it is not so easy to do, but, being focused we can realize it and react quickly to free ourselves as soon as possible of such thoughts.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.

Note: A writing inspired by the experiences lived by the author, which I hope can contribute to some aspect of your life.


Experience is the best teacher as they say.... I like your writings @rbalzan79

Hi @ezeemmanuel, thank you for your valuable visit and for your touching comment. Regards.