Tune our energy to the same rhythm as the generation of ideas



Hello my dear friends, with the passing of the years besides acquiring experience in any type of activity we also accumulate experience in knowing ourselves and it is a facet that will be open until the last breaths we will have on this planet, maybe many people will do it unconsciously or other consciously, the truth is that it will always be a process that is and will be part of our development in every way.

In many occasions the accumulation of our energy is not at an optimal state and even is below an average state, and this is because it is constantly dissipated from one side to another either by the physical realization of different daily activities or by those mental activities that absorb our energy without any visible movement of our body, but of our brain which is activated at high speed achieving to be beyond our accumulation or disposition of energy.

It is not surprising that sometimes we feel how the ideas that pass through our mind do it at a pace of which we have no control, and this can sometimes make us feel bad and it is not for less since we will always want to have control of both our energy and the generation of ideas that pass through our mind, when we feel that there is some gap in the rhythm of our ideas and the development of the same is convenient to focus in order not to allow some form of anxiety is inoculated and consequently we experience memories of some activities that generate stress.

Maybe sometimes many of us feel our mind is agitated which is the product of anxiety and that is when we must act with the best constructive disposition, but without focusing on what is disturbing us, on the contrary, take an attitude to clear our mind towards those things or activities that calms us and minimizes the state of agitation of our mind, I believe that each one of us has lived this and it is always advisable to move or focus our mind to the positive.

Undoubtedly, a great number of phenomena inherent to our development take place around us, however, there is no doubt that the human mind represents one of those phenomena of enormous complexity for its understanding, but such complexity has put us at par for the understanding of the environment where we develop our lives, of course, this ability to absorb the complexity of our environment leads us to pay a cost because some of these mental vestiges will escape our control.

I think that the durability of the action to clear our mind should be directly proportional to the amount of time exposed to any activity that has generated stress which has disturbed our natural development of our emotions, that is why clearing our mind in this case will take us some reasonable time, and when this happens to me I resort to visit any place that transmits me tranquility with this I have managed to divert the focus of disturbance of my emotions.

Also, by doing the above, it allows me to focus on what bothers me and what I must overcome in order to channel all my energy generation towards things of value and that will really lead me to the conquest of my set goals. When we manage to calm our revolted emotions, we begin to balance the rhythm of our thoughts with the capacity to resolve them in proportion to our available energy.

Until another opportunity my dear friends.


I wholeheartedly agree to the overall great message of this post! Great post indeed! Thank you very much for writing and sharing it here on HIVE! All the best, much health, take care, stay safe, many blessings, and great peace your way! Keep up the good work here on HIVE (and in general) and God bless you! 😊🙏✌️☮️

Hello friend it is wonderful to meet people like you on this platform, thank you for your good wishes and likewise to you. Greetings.

Thank you! All the best and have a great day!

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