When you get on the road to success, don't let its coordinates get lost

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago (edited)



Greetings again my dear friends of this prestigious platform, our lives are undoubtedly marked by the word triumph or failure, that is to say, to achieve success or not, and in many occasions we meet extraordinary people, however, we notice that they are not super human, on the contrary, they are ordinary people, but they are people who do not let themselves be defeated by the simple fact of never giving up, now, are you one of those people who give up easily?

Each and every one of us is clear that when we go through life at every moment we find any kind of bifurcation, and even more, sometimes in order to reach a certain goal we get multiple paths in front of us and of which we must select one of them, and of course, not selecting the right one we must keep trying with the rest of the paths previously indicated, and so on until we find the right path, this is what we call not giving up.



Many people who give up at the first change will succumb to failure, and thus stop exploring the rest of the paths that at some point will lead them to the proposed success, therefore, it is important to keep in mind that when achieving any success we must remember the coordinates of that path because at other times they can be very useful to continue with the same pace of achieving success.

Let us always keep in mind that if we succeed once we can continue to do so, even if the goal set is not the same, and this, of course, in all areas of our existence, then my dear readers we can rescue three important aspects mentioned above as they are; never give up because this allows us to be people difficult to beat, if we succeed once we can continue to do so, and to achieve any path to success keep in mind its coordinates.

Until another opportunity my dear readers and let's be one of those people who do not give up easily until we reach our goals.


Hello @rbalzan79!

I can tell that we sometimes end up choosing the wrong path out of many other paths and then we will end up in some point where we failed in the wrong path we wanted at first and returned back to choose again between different paths. There is nothing wrong with that as long as we know that we need to change and come over our failure so we may reach the road of success, that's how life goes.

Thanks for sharing!

Hi friend @lennyblogs00, it is very true what you express to us:

I can say that sometimes we end up choosing the wrong path out of many other paths and then we will end up at some point where we fail on the wrong path we wanted at the beginning and we go back to choosing again between different paths.

The important thing is not to give up so easily, we have to keep going until we reach our goals. Thank you for commenting. Best regards.