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RE: Eat or be eaten; scam or be swindled.

Never trust what you find on X in my opinion. Like you said most giveaway are garbage, and people will push at token in their own interest only. I've had some nice airdrops work out for me, I've had others that where a lot of work for absolute garbage. The crypto influencers on X are wolves, hoping to make money off the followers.

I've become biased and no longer use X, I just don't find it of much value to me personally and feel it's a waste of my time!


I still use X to look at those crypto interactions from the point of view of the masses in general. However, there's nowhere you won't see giveaways and projects that are shilled by influencers. It's a place a pure commerce where any thing being advertised has been heavily paid. It's not a place to go when you're looking for a good coin to invest. Bad project has more money to throw around influencers

How's the day treating you so far?

The rain is interfering with the day. My hospital appointment could have been today, but the hospital forgot to book the appointment and after texting them, they said they forgot. So it'll have to be in 3 days time. Overall, I'm just taking my life as it comes and trusting God. How about you?

Just hanging in day by day! It's too bad they forgot to book the appointment. But with the rain it may have come out to benefit you!

Very well said my friend!