
I have not been using it lately tbh. As there are too many options when it comes to Fallen spectre but yeah the fact about MIMOSA makes it a little more effective in low mana battles. Nice research buddy!!

Thanks Bro.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

I agree with you man! I’m often using specter in battles, particularly low mana cap battles he wreaks havoc! I’ve got one level 3 and almost a level 2 on my alt account but I definitely plan on grabbing one more to get it up to level 2.

Using it in slow hits first battles usually works well, they get good debuffs for a while and it eventually dies from reflect or something but does a good job of weakening them!

Try the Mimosa + Taunt strategy and you Specter will never die.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

My mimosa is only level 1 unfortunately. Still useful but I don’t get as much use out of her as I do my level 1 Zaku! That’s my favorite card for sure right now.

Get some DEC during the recent dump and max your Mimosa.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

This Game has evolved so much from the day it started on steemit. But i never played it that much. But bought 40-50 booster packs and have some Legendary cards but the new animation and card designs are simply awesome.