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RE: ListNerds quite an interesting concept

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago (edited)

Alright! i will keep it in mind. I took it from google and not from your blog and sourced it. And i didn't even know it belongs to you coz when i took this image from google i just went to copy its source. It was an honest mistake and i guess you should write somewhere in the image that doesn't use it :P XD


I wanted to point out what @traciyork already did below, thanks for that! I'm glad you took it down and hope you understand it's not up to the creator but the author of the post to make sure they have permission.

I'm sure you can create something yourself in Canva and start creating your own recognizable brand around your Listnerds content.

Thanks anyway for removing it, and I didn't take it as malicious or anything but that doesn't make it ok to do so.

of course, i can create my own i am just a lazy being :P so just google relative images XD Well, sincere apologies I was just playing around and didn't understand its a serious matter :)

No, actually it is the responsibility of the author of the post (in this case you,@xawi) to make sure that any images you use are not copywritten. Google absolutely does not count as a source, and it wouldn't have taken you very to find the original creator to ask permission (which in this case, would clearly not be granted). Your continued use of this image, even though @thisismylife politely asked you not to, is not particularly cool.

I took it down. Was busy so it took time pardon