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RE: Violent storms and kind strangers.

in Cycling28 days ago

Aww, this is moving dearest - I have known something similar when travelling-camping (on foot) alone, and there were moments of such tangle within myself that I thought I couldn't go on - but ultimately it can be character-building, eh! 🤗 It's healthy to work these emotions out to the surface!
What a blessing to get warmed through and fed like this - people can be so beautiful when we are in need. I love hearing about your travels dearest friend, as I sit plump and lazy in my big stone house 😋

Huge love to you in your pedal-powered adventure 😍🤗


Character building indeed, feels like digesting all my thoughts, emotions and who I am, very intense and beautiful, as most parts of this life😊
Thank you😘
I miss a bit of lazy? (super productive and inspirational) sitting around in your stone house😁