Bicycle ride along the west coast of lake Garda

in Cycling11 months ago

I'm spending the first two weeks of my holiday in Italy on the west coast of Lake Garda.
As always I have brought my bicycle with me to make some nice tours.

My first ride

I made my first ride a couple of days ago. I got up early since the temperatures rise above the 30 degrees quickly over here.
The first ride wasn't a real success. I managed to ride 50 kilometers and climb over 1000 meters, but it was really hot, I had trouble navigating and was also having trouble with my gears.

My second ride

After having my gear problem fixed at a local bicycle shop I was ready ro go for another ride. We're here a week now so my body is better adjusted to the high temperatures.
Today I gained the same meters of elevation (1000) in just under 50 kilometer.


It is really beautiful riding along the coast here. There are some beautiful views over the lake, especially when you get higher into the hills that surround the lake.


Compared to my first climb I had less problems with the heat. I had my two 0,75 liter bottles filled up and they were empty after the ride.


The percentages if the climbs were quite tough on some places varying from 5 to a killing 18%.


During the ride I cycled through some lovely tiny Italian mountain villages.


Although the views were beautiful, the small roads are very steep and the cobble stones didn't make it easier 😃


At one point, just after a village, the cobble stone road went on into the forest. The percentage was about 18% and I wasn't able to ride all the way up and had to get off my bicycle.


After this climb I had a nice and long descent. I enjoyed some more beautiful views during rhe descent.
Here are some of them;




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Nice, I didn't know there was an active cycling community, but @mypathtofire has written an article and now I find yours through Curator.
You live in a beautiful area. Those pictures made me a bit envious :o).

I do live in a beautiful environment, but this is my ride while I am on holiday in Italy 😉
Feel free to join the cycling community.

Really lovely photos. I can imagine that it is take some acclimatisation to cycle in Italy. It is not easy for me to walk. In addition you have some steep inclines are well.
Great photos and beautiful views indeed.
I should have guessed that it would be a dutchman that started the Cycling community. That is great!! Now I have another community for my own cycling experiences in NL.

Thanks. Yes, it's really hot here. Even early in the morning.
Feel free to share your cycling experiences here 🙂

dat is wel effe wat anders dan tegen de polderwind in trappen :)

Inderdaad. De warmte maakt het extra lastig. Nu lekker bijkomen bij het zwembad 😃

Wow, those steep hills. !LUV

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Beautiful, we didnt visit Lake Garda but it looks a wonderful destination for cycling.

It surely is!

Wonderful photos on this walk!.... Thanks for sharing @friendlymoose friend!

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That looks like some beautiful and exhausting cycling indeed!!
The heat doesn't help, can you jump in the lake after the hole ride?

It was... and the lake is quite refreshing indeed after such a ride.