Old memories brought back.

in Cycling4 months ago

Hello everyone,
Season greetings to everyone and a happy weekend, trust we all had a blissful night's rest and today to rest, regain strength from the week's works, and be ready for the next week's works and activities as the case may be.

I was thrilled this morning to gift out my bicycle to a female friend of mine and she rode it around my neighborhood street. She quickly jumped on the bike as an expert that she claimed to be.

The first thing I told her before she left, was how powerful my bike was and the new tire that I just fixed after that, she started stylishly cruising down my street, according to her, she said the bike was so easy to handle, and I felt happy could ride it according to her.

She rode down the road and joined some people who were having their morning work-out along the street, they all turned to look at her and the bike and ost, and of them were happy that she joined them according to the look in their eyes, and smiled, as she decided to take a detour and explore some of the nearby streets with them.

With the same spirit, she rode past a park and saw some kids playing soccer. They all stopped and stared at her as she rode passed them, she felt like a celebrity on the bike. After a while, she decided to head back home.
As she made her last turn, into my street, she saw one of her cousins and decided to give her a lift on the only seat of the bike while she stood to ride,

She came home and parked the bike in my compound and took a moment to admire, gist me on all that had happened on the road, and appreciate me as well for gifting her such a beautiful bike to ride and exercise her body, and I was grateful for the opportunity anywhere. I knew my friend would be happy when I agreed to her wishes.

She said, that she has gained some benefits from cycling this morning and one of them is physical fitness, Cycling is a great form and way of exercising our boy by improving and increasing stamina, cardiovascular health, and strengthening muscles.
I was made to understand that regular cycling can also help our body fitness with weight management and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

I believe that everyone and any person who recycles and does work-out has a big chance of mental well-being improvement.
For old men and women, our joints will greatly improve upon rheumatism, arthritis, muscle, and any other diseases.

Thanks for stopping by and do visit next time.
And have a blissful week ahead.


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Cycling moves all the joints in our body and is good for us. Exercise is also done and the body remains healthy

This is very true

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