DCC tag contest || My Philosophy of Relationship

in DCooperation2 years ago

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I think I missed the last contest before this one but thankfully scrolling through my blog, I decided to see what the community has got for this week and the question is fascinating because we were asked to talk about anything ranging from life, relationship, building wealth and all we can talk about.

talk about your philosophy of life, relationship, building wealth, your principles.

I am going to be emphasizing all relationships ranging from between family, between siblings, between friends, and couples.

In life, no matter what we feel we've got, no matter the wealth we've accumulated, we need relationships to be able to succeed in life.

For a relationship to work, it takes the effort of two or more persons who are ready to sacrifice to make it work. Relationship be it between couples, siblings or friends is a responsibility and it is only when we are ready to take responsibility that is only when the amount of divorce, the rivalry between siblings, and beef between friends will be reduced.

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It is important that we build relationships because it matters and that has to do with how we treat people regardless of how they can be of help to you today. They may not be of help today but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't treat them well. We don't know what tomorrow tells and if we can not build solid relationships now, it would be difficult to build it at a certain point in our lives.

When there is a cordial relationship between siblings, it is easier for each of them to look out for the good and benefits of the other and it would help reduce the rivalry between siblings that has become the order of the day.

A story was told about an old wise man who was sick and ready to die, on his sickbed afraid of the outcome of his three sons, he called each of them to his room and gave each of them a stick of broom to break, and the three brothers broke the stick of broom easily without stress.

He gave them a bundle of brooms and asked the boys to break them, they tried breaking but couldn't. After many tries, they finally gave up and return the broom to their father saying they couldn't.

The old man told them, that if they come together, it would be difficult for anyone to break them but if they all stand far away from each other, they would be easily be broken by anyone and anything that wishes to break them.

This is what I am saying here, it is important that siblings build a cordial relationship between themselves with the help of their parents from a tender age to avoid some unnecessary hate between them.

Couples are also advised to build a relationship filled with trust, transparency, love, faithfulness, humility, and more not because they can but because that is the only way their relationship will stand the test of time.

Someone decides to be in a relationship with you not because they've got no other friends but because of the amount of trust, and hope they have in you.

For one to be successful in life, it is important that one create a circle of friends after God because a good relationship with others helps one to reach his expected destination.

To complete the rules of this contest, I came across @giantbear post title Which turn should you take?

In his post, he made us understand that most tomes life doesn't give us what we want but what we need and other times, it changes our plans but that shouldn't stop us from moving us because the change of plan it routes although may seem wrong to us but actual, they are right because it could lead us to where we had planned to be or could lead us to people that we need to get to our destination even though the change of route would have its own challenges but it could be better than the route we had planned to take while on the journey.

He said and I quote

If you are put on a new path, do so with compassion, love, and kindness. Treat this new path like you would treat a newborn baby.

There is always a reason why you landed on this specific path. Perhaps you had to meet a specific person or perhaps they needed to meet you. Who knows?

It automatically means that many times life would give us what looks like a lemon, but we should not always let those things way us down but we should make lemonade out of it, and that is seeing the bright side of life even amid challenges because we never can know that challenges could lead us to the best place we never thought we could be.

His article is a must read, it talks deeply about life and how one can live life seeing from the other perspective even when in a dark place.

This is my entry for this week's contest of DCC tag contest - Let's support #philosophy.


Beautiful post.
Hope it's not too late to partake in the contest??

The contest has ended but you can either partake or wait for the next contest.

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