Meet My Best Friends

in DCooperation3 years ago

This is an interesting topic to talk about. Honestly, I can talk about nature all day. I'm a big lover of nature who enjoys spending quality time with nature. On this post, I'll be talking about my favorite aspects of nature. In truth, everything around us is an aspect of nature or made out of nature.

Flowers My Lovers

Now who doesn't love flowers. If you ask me I'll say without flowers the world would be quite colorless. Flowers add so much color to the world and beautify the earth in so many forms.


To me flowers are my companion. I have this weird habit of counting every flower I come across whenever I'm walking. This is why I quickly notice any new flower that pops up. I can give account of every flower in my street, when they were planted, when they had their first petals, when they had their first pollination and all that. I also enjoy sniffing and absorbing the lovely fragrance of these flowers.


It doesn't end here, there are so many other benefits of flowers, apart from it's beauty and decorationn use. So many of these flowers are herbs which can be processed to produce Something really healthy for the body. Most of them are also used in the production of perfumes, creams and a lot more.

Clouds My Story Teller

Clouds are simply amazing, this is something I see everyday of my life ever since I was a kid, and it never gets old. The clouds are ever looking beautiful and young Lol.


Here's A fun fact about the clouds, I believe that the clouds always have a story to tell. I don't know about you, but every time I look at the sky, I see the clouds forming figures which I believe must be a story. Here's a little secret about me, whenever I'm out of topics to write about, I simply look up to the sky and the clouds give me a story to write about. I just hope it isn't plagiarism if I keep stealing the cloud's story lol.

Waterfalls My Heavenly Shower*

This remains my favorite aspect of nature. Any movie that has a waterfall scene wins my heart, whether the movie is interesting or not. I enjoy visiting waterfalls and whenever I do, I wish I never had to leave. I have visited several waterfalls, Sadly I haven't seen enough water falls in my life time.


el Origen

I really love these falls. Some of them rush down with full force, this makes me wonder the force at which the water is flowing from above. Given the chance I'd really love to deeply explore waterfalls. Using A helicopter or whatever to have a close view from above and every angle. These are one of my fantasies which I'd definitely satisfy some day. And probably have a shower in one of the falls😅

Seas Sees It All

There is just a lot to say about the seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, streams and what have you. Some of them have really mysterious flow that starts from nowhere and just keeps flowing till infinity. Well it probably starts somewhere and ends somewhere, but as far as my bare eyes are concerned, they seem endless.


I see the sea as my comforter. I usually visit the sea whenever I feel bad with a lot bothering me. At the shores of the sea, I'd lay my worries with believe that as the water flows over bank, it takes my worries with it back to the sea. This way, I always feel relieved after every visit to the sea.


Promoted Post Is Peach Side-discover a hidden waterfalls in spring By @dodovietnam

Actually my favorite part of this post is the lovely photography skills and he surely carried the waterfalls from amazing angles. This has to be most beautiful okay I've seen all day. @dodovietnam Thank you for introducing me to this beauty. Here's my favorite quote.

"Along the way, we sometimes had to wade across streams, climb cliffs, and squeeze through groves of trees. There is really no way there, we had to find the easiest way for ourselves to get to the waterfall"
