What is faith to you?

in DCooperation3 years ago

Honestly, there are those times when conditions seem too unappealing to us. We might consider different thoughts. Most people get sucked into depression, others take their lives.

In this regard, people feel their problem is bigger than the next person's. They do not consider that the person with a broad smile, could be passing through a lot. Yet, has found ways to take it with faith in his or her heart that all will be well.

The people who barely think about their problems are those who understand that the Almighty never fails. All the thoughts he has for us are that of good, and not evil. He said this in his book.

What's faith for me?

Faith for me is a complete trust in the Almighty. He is the creator of heaven and earth, and I look up to him for everything. Every decision, that I have made, I put across each one to him. Sometimes, I falter and run to him for guidance. He always makes away. My eureka moments have him in the picture. He guides me and he protects me. So I have faith in his unfailing love and Grace.

What should we believe in?

I have just one name, God. Jehovah Shammah. Jehovah Jireh. Jehovah Nissi. The Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. The All-knowing God. We all should believe in him. The earth is that of the Lord, including the fullness. Every Human should believe in him.

How can Faith help us?

Humanly, we usually think life is impossible. We wonder with human feelings and emotions that the end is here and that there is no hope for us.

It's a lie that the world puts across to us. Somewhere amid our crisis, troubles, afflictions, and pains, the Almighty is there. He just wants us to cast all our cares upon him. He wants us to come to terms with the fact that he is capable of any miracle. He can take us from our current situation and place us in a different one if we have faith.

The scripture, said, " and Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness". ROM. 4:3. Of course, Abraham believed in God. When he told Isaac, the Almighty will provide the sheep for his sacrifice, he had faith in God.

Therefore, faith will help us understand that God doesn't lie because he is not a man. He does everything he says he will do. Right from the beginning of time, God has always been faithful and will continue to be.

Is faith related only to religion?

No. It applies to all areas of our lives. The only thing is that the bigger picture is the God factor. In recent times, we feel the scripture is outdated, and the things written in them have paled out with time. It's not true. The word of God will never pass away, every other thing will. Every single thing he said in the scripture, still has weight today. We should not lose faith in God, no matter the disaster we find ourselves in.

In this post, FAITH IN GOD, @dominion-yusuf explained how he almost lost faith in God concerning his education. Then, he snapped out of it and remembered he shouldn't bother about it when he has God as his Father. He said;

Suddenly I got tired of the situation and asked myself why I was bothering so much when God had promised to do it. I started to hold him by his word and confess his word.

Watch out, not only did he believe in God, he confessed it. At all times, faith goes hand in hand with confession and proclamation. You have to repeatedly tell yourself that all is well.

It's the confession that helps strengthen your Faith. It gives you hope, and strong convictions, that all your prayers will be answered. It gives you the reassurance that your business will work out well. It gives you hope that your partner will love you regardless of the changes in your body. It assures you that your children will do better in school. You stay rooted in the faith that wealth is your birthright. You understand that Jehovah doesn't fail, no matter what.

Everything wraps around, First, having faith in God, then proclaiming it. It works like magic.

I hope that now that you read this, you will rid yourself of all disbeliefs, and start having faith in God.


This is very powerful. We keep believing in the things we believe and prayer about and the Lord will be there to take care of us and our family. No matter how things turn out, we know that the Lord has our back. That fundamental belief will take care of us all.

I found you on @dreemport.

I am glad you got the lesson. The Almighty never fails. He has our back at all times. All we have to do is share our problems with him, he will take all of our burdens away. Thank you so much for reading, sir.

Always good to share the faith sister.

Sólo cuando hay fe podemos lograr lo que parece imposible...

así es, la fe mueve montañas. gracias por leer.

Eiiiiiiii @iskafan you did justice to this post

Hey, @ijohnsen, thanks alot for your support.

Iska the writer.😉

Thank you for this.
You don't know how much it will help.

Awwwnnnn.... I couldn't help smiling over this comment. Thanks alot darling 🙂😘💕

I only have your emoji to imagine your smile dear.


Hahahaha, perfect emoji, @jaydr, thanks. Good morning to you too.

Faith to me is knowing that everything is going to work out regardless of what is going on because God is in control.

And that's really nice because God is the author and finisher of our faith. Cheers to you babe 😘😚

Thanks. All glory to God
Glad you were blessed

I am glad too, thanks for sharing