My Philosophy of Life : Dcc Tag Contest: Let's Support #Philosophy

in DCooperation2 years ago

Antoni Shkraba

Happy weekend Hiveans. I'd like to appreciate @clixmoney for bringing up topical issues to discuss on a weekly basis. This has in no measure helped me in reflecting on matters that ordinary would just be swept under carpet and allowed to lay unattended to.

This week, I would take you on a ride to my perspective of life and in general how I perceive certain issues and how they should be handled.

My Philosophy of Life

First, I'd like to say that my life and beliefs are based on how and where I grow up from. My take on issues of life may never be the same with yours and that does not make you or I less of who we are.

One man's food is another man's poison.

We can never be the same sake of the fact that we emerge from different parents, in different communities and continents. My take is that we all should live our kind of life. And that irrespective of our skin pigment, humans are equal and should be given equal opportunities to live a comfortable life.

Hence, I hold the belief that some aspect of life, if well marshalled, should be able to make life a lot more beautiful for everyone.

Nichloas Swatz

Many theories about the philosophy of time and space have been written and analysed, in all, my resolution is that time can never be bought with money. Rather, the human mind should focus on first things first as a matter of choices and options to make do of time as productively as possible.
When time is lost or not properly utilised, one may have to pay dearly for not applying this simple principle.

The contract between a man and a woman should be established on love and affection. Beauty and wealth is not assured to remain constant. Hence when love exists, the world will not experience the heavy amount of separation and abuse we have in marriage today.
Respect and faithfulness are the basis for which a beautiful marriage can be built.

Giving And Receiving
Do you know that there are natural laws that can ignite some real life situations? Yes, there are. One of those thoughts is giving and receiving.
A tight fisted man may not be inclined to receive because of the parochial understanding of the reward for giving.
This is also an established fact in most religions practised in the world today.
Whether or not there are rewards for giving, humanity is expected to be kind to one and other.
As the reward for giving is to receive, so also is the reward for not-giving* is begging. Remember, this is my thought anyway.

Michael Steinberg

Building Wealth

In this area, there is high competition to earn and be heard. People are struggling tooth and nail to reach a height where they will be in control.
This has further created more poor people in our society, hence creating a wide gap between people. Between the leaders and the led.
Over the years, I believe strongly that it is possible to have a classless society, where everyone has a voice, and the voices are heard unlike what we have in the globe today.
You may not agree, but there are too many vulnerable people in the world than people who can fend for themselves.

Knowledge and Creation

Whatever you see as an invention today is a continuity of the work of nature. Nature should be protected if we must live in a world with less chaos from natural disasters.
Man is the causal organism of many social and natural problems witnessed in the world today.
As far as there are men in the world, the creation story won't stop.

Knowledge is on the increase and that has made life a lot easier but with it's unappealing negatives.

I would like to promote @trucklife-family work on labelling what we don't have a close tie with. People are fond of this character, they would rather spoil another fellow they don't know than taking time to know them first.
@trucklife-family :Let's Talk About Labels

                           So please if one day you ever meet me, leave your labels at the door, or the border, which ever comes first. But seriously, where does this desire to label people come from. Perhaps it's because we are trying to identify with one another. To find a connection even. I guess some labels are important, like a healer for example.
                   But I also believe, that we have been taught to put ourselves and others into boxes, which in the end, cuts us off from being able to fully experience life and to continue to grow.

In this work, he spoke vehemently on name-calling where someone is not known and judged from afar. I take a close support of his opinion with this assertion made somewhere within the post.