Desire To Be Great Comes From Confidence

Growing up I was taught to always think positive and great things about myself because that’s the way of putting it to the universe that am going to be great in my own unique way. Everyone has that feeling that makes them feel special and unique, this feeling is what I will call confidence. You know that within you no matter what and where life throws at you, you have faith and rely on yourself that you are meant for greatness.


You might not be seeing the manifestation yet in your life but deep down in your guts you know you are great and you rely on that feeling. That’s a great feeling because it helps you achieve a lot of great things in life. It gives you the motivation to keep pushing daily and never wanting to give up. Not everyone has that luxury, they are a lot of people that have given up on theirselves, when you give up on yourself you lose the confidence you have on yourself, then comes your self esteem, it goes along with the loss of your confidence. That will never take you anywhere because you will always settle for less for as long as you live.

I consider losing confidence in yourself as losing the Will to live , because when that happens you feel you deserve every bad thing that happens to you. Which is not right because every human deserves to be happy, everyone deserves a good graceful life. Don’t you ever settle for less or the bare minimum. Being confident gets you to places where seemed impossible, it all depends on your mindset. Confidence is what makes Apple think they are the best technological company in the world. This is the reason they keep releasing the same iPhone but different packages every year and keep selling it higher. They are doing that through confidence and branding. Confidence can make you sell snow to an Eskimo because with your confidence you have shown the Eskimo why they need to buy the snow from you.

Learning how to be confidence comes from the mind and letting yourself know that you deserve better and you are great in your unique way. Some people were born with the intrinsic nature of being confident while some emulated it from their environment. They could learn confidence from someone they admired so much that they find theirselves imitating the person. There are different ways to learn how to be confident but you need to prepare your mind, if you can prepare your mind for something it will make you achieve things better.


I can’t say am a fully confident person, but to an extent I have places I can say am confident in. I’m less confident with public speaking, especially talking about something I don’t know or have less knowledge about. Currently, I decided to partake in my religious activities by going to church and learning some things I didn’t know about my religion. Because of my lack of attendance, I feel am lacking behind in knowledge. Whenever am asked to come a stage and talk in church, I find myself scared because I lacked confidence in myself. I felt, whatever I had to say made no sense to whoever am saying it to. I had to fight that feeling by facing my fears and talking more on stage. This way I will make so many mistakes and take corrections to be better next time.

That’s how to build confidence, take those bold steps, make those mistakes, take corrections and learn those lessons.

@maoyagi said a lot of useful things on how to avoid negative thoughts and build self confidence in Negative thoughts helps nobody

We should ensure that we do not engage in acitivities which could make us to have low self esteem or makes us to feel we are not good enough , low self esteem is one of the major factors that causes negative thoughts amongst so many people so to be able to fight negative thoughts , we need to boost our self esteem and self confidence.


@readthisplease thanks for the mention...i am glad that you like the article...

It was a great article

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