Do Not Let Your Confidence Waver

in DCooperation3 years ago (edited)

Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.
• Hebrews 10:35


Image by Schäferle From Pixabay

According to the Oxford dictionary, Confidence can be defined as

the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something.

We can say that there are different definitions of the word confidence but we can all agree that every definition will have the key word "BELIEVE". To be confident you have to believe in something or someone. Confidence plays a great role in our human psychology and it is very important we need to be confident as confidence doesn't fail.

I use to be a very shy kid at junior school, I lacked confidence to talk to anyone and at such I was a target for the big bullies. There was a time where I was to come out in the open to represent my class for a debate and even after a lot of preparations i still came out and couldn't say a word. I didn't believe in myself, i had a serious problem and lacked self confidence. It is very interesting to know how sparky i am today! I easily engage and talk to strangers at any point in time and I am never intimidated because now I believe in myself and i know my confidence can never fail me.

Alot of times were we are in situations where we are confused if speaking the truth out is the best option or we are not sure if we are able to carry out that task,it is because we lack belief in ourselves.
In a post by @iskafan talking about Her best lessons from the game of chess she emphasized on the need for confidence.


Many people go through a lot in the world today and the difficulties keeps piling up. It is uneasy to be confident in these situations. When I feel sad and down and my confidence drops, I try my best to feel the moment. If you are sad,its okay to cry or express your emotions whichever way you want. It doesn't lower your self confidence. It improves it! But while down, don't give in to doubts. Believe in yourself all through those sad moments.

I will share some ways that has helped me and i hope they help you too.

Know You Can't Fail And Even If You Do, It Doesn't Matter.

Failure plays a major role in killing our confidence, the fear of failure can be brutal to our personally I deal with the fear of failure first by proclaiming "I can't fail" and believing it too. Sometimes we have already failed in our projects or endeavors, it is important we tell ourselves to discard it and move on.


Image by FotoRech From Pixabay

Self confidence is a thing of the mind and we constantly have to play with our mind for it to become part of us.

I know a Chess Master who isn't so talented but rarely loses. He has this belief that he would always win no matter what, even when he is losing! It helps build a success psychology towards you and eliminate the fear of failure.

Avoid Negative People


Image by Geralt From Pixabay

Fear of Failure kills confidence but not as fast as the words that comes out of a negative friend!. Negativity is so common this days,I don't know why but there are so many people ready to criticize your efforts. To remain maintain confidence, ignore the toxic people. In fact,get rid of them

Give Yourself Tough Goals


Image by S.reader From Pixabay

When you set a tough goal for yourself, it helps build the confidence you need for achieving them. It works like a magnetic force field. The goals attract confidence towards your path. Set a tough goal today,and see how it plays a role in your confidence.

In Conclusion...

Let us keep belief in ourselves and raise the confidence flag high in all our doings. With a high self confidence, we can't go wrong!

This is my entry to the contest : DCC tag contest - Let's support #confidence

Thanks For Reading!

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I have made a lot of mistakes on my return to hive and I wish not to make them again.
The images used in this article are from Pixabay, Images there are free to use for commercial purposes. The designs also were created using canva. When source is missing, please do let me know because am only human and I can make mistakes



I am @samostically,I love to talk and write about chess because i benefited alot from playing chess.sometimes i share my thoughts on life in general.I love to engage with others and i love communication.I believe life is all about staying happy and maintaining peace.


Hey, thanks for promoting my post. Now, that your confidence level has improved, oya come and teach me how to play chess 😁

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