My best lessons from the game of chess, what's yours?

in Movies & TV Shows3 years ago (edited)

I have never been so encouraged to stay on course as I was a few days ago. I was on Hive in the morning, going through my feed, and reading posts. Then I stumbled on a movie recommendation. I didn't wait to see the author of the post. I was captivated by the picture of the lady in the photo. She exuded confidence. I wanted to find out why. My eyes moved quickly to the title of the movie. There, "The Queen's Gambit". Almost immediately, I saw chess, I didn't wait to read the reviews, neither did I finish reading the rest of the posts on my tabs.

I moved over to my Telegram, clicked open the movie group I subscribed for. Ran a search for the movie. I was confident I will find that movie. My movie group doesn't disappoint. The admin is up-to-date with movies, and movie requests.

Oh no, it's a series, I was a little bit hurt because finding a series instead of a one-way movie meant my data is about to be exhausted. Once I remember it was a lady, and chess is involved, I waved off my hurt and press the download button.

I started with the first episode and I was vowed by the characters, the scenes, and the way the story was unveiled. This motivated me to download the rest of the episodes. One by one, I watched each one, moving on to the next. The scriptwriter did a great job with the endings of each episode. It will make you hunger for more. Your hunger can only be satisfied if you watch the next one. This was how I stayed rooted to my screen until I exhausted all the episodes.

Why I'm I telling you about the Queen's Gambit?

I am sitting here on a bus and I am reminded that confidence gives us the courage to step out of our comfort zones into the impossible. Confidence builds our morals. Confidence makes us want to do more especially in the face of danger and opposition. Confidence makes us want to do the things people say shouldn't be done.

Elizabeth Harmon exuded confidence in that movie, just the way I imagined it when I saw the movie recommendation on Hive that morning.

I saw a woman who was willing to give her all to master chess and to beat everyone at their games. She wasn't afraid of anyone nor was age an obstacle to fulfilling her dreams.

The most important thing I learned from her wasn't how she won and lost those games and contests. It was the fact that she always prepared for every game no matter how easy her opponent would seem.

Nothing beats preparation. It is the key factor to success. Once you are prepared, you can beat the odds. If you aren't prepared or ready, you might as well skip trying. Yes, you could be talented, but, talent without the proper nourishment and preparations is null and void.

Another lesson was the power of teamwork. We are already familiar with the phrase,"if you want to go fast, go alone if you want to go far, go with people" Teamwork is an additional ingredient in the food of success. A team takes the effort of one and multiplies it in several ways. It's just like combination and permutations. In how many ways can four people sit at a round table if two should sit together?. Of course, there will be more than one way. Teamwork makes this effective and possible. Teamwork did help Elizabeth Harmon in some ways.

In a nutshell, talent plus preparation wrapped with confidence equals success.

No, wait, that's not the conclusion. I wanted to tell you that no matter how difficult a situation is, you can find your way out of it if, you are willing to take a breathe, and calculate all of your moves. This is my best lesson from watching Beth Harmon play the game of chess.


I saw the series after @samostically made a review a while back.
I m take I did.
And I m happy you also did.
But I m still yet to buy a chess board. Lol
I also think her company of friends mattered.

A great miniseries, I loved how they made this story set in the world of chess, entertaining for the mass public.

I am still watching Godless. It had a slow start but it's getting interesting. I should finish it soon hahahaha

Godless? Is that a chess influenced movie too? If yes, I am definitely seeing it. ☺️

No it isn't hahahah. Just the same miniseries like queens gambit

Oh, I thought it was chess influenced. No worries, I may see this one too. If I find it in that movie group of mine. 😁

I love the story set as well. It was well thought-out, thus, bringing the public's attention to the world of chess. Thanks for reading ma'am.

Preparation... You know, nothing beats having a back up that had a back up

Hahahaha.... I love the way you put it, "a back up that had a back up" ... Cool.


I loved this series and binged watched it over 2 days.
I bet your data usage was worth it ;D

I loved this series and binged watched it over 2 days.

I am glad you loved it.

I bet your data usage was worth it

Truly it was worth every megabyte used. Thanks for reading ma'am.

Great takeaways from this series. I watched it too and loved it! It was so intelligent and the acting was superb. If you have spare tags on a post like this, you can use creativecoin and cinetv to earn extra tokens. Why don't you edit your tags and add them in? 🙂 @jaxsonmurph what do you think about this tv series review?

It was recommended to me by family but I put it on the back burning, I believe it is very good, sounds like you enjoyed it also

Yes, I believe you will enjoy it too. I hope you get to see the movies.

Thanks I do have it on my android box so I will certainly watch it once I have a little time

Great takeaways from this series. I watched it too and loved it! It was so intelligent and the acting was superb

I am happy you found it worth the watch too. Everything was nailed perfectly. Every character. Every scene. Every loss. Every win. Including the nationality differences in terms of America and Russia. They did a great script.

If you have spare tags on a post like this, you can use creativecoin and cinetv to earn extra tokens. Why don't you edit your tags and add them in?

And here I was lost over what more tags to use. Thanks alot. I have edited my post and I added the recommended ones.

You're welcome hee hee

I love this and I am thrilled to watch the movie just the way you extracted some great lessons. Truly, if we do not identity our talents, how do we go far in life? And when we have identified it, it's our responsibility to focus and be courageous to face whatever challenge coming for us. And lastly, teamwork will make task easier for us.
Good evening! How are you doing?

I love this and I am thrilled to watch the movie just the way you extracted some great lessons

Oh dear, there are more lessons. I just focused on these ones. You will find things worthy of note from each of the characters and the different scenes. I bet you may want to write your own review after the watch.

Truly, if we do not identity our talents, how do we go far in life? And when we have identified it, it's our responsibility to focus and be courageous to face whatever challenge coming for us. And lastly, teamwork will make task easier for us.

I am glad that you agree.

Good evening! How are you doing?

Well, I am reading this in the early hours of 1:55 am, so good morning to you, darling. I am doing ok, how about you?

I am doing fine too. It's alright then

Great review haven't got round to watching it myself, but think it will be on the schedule to be watched soon.

I hope that soon will be tomorrow or next... Hehehehe. Thanks for the appreciation, and for reading.

Yeah hopefully !LOLZ You are so welcome Pal, it was certainly worth the reading, thanks for sharing

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Because they know how to suck it up.

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A synonym roll.

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You have done a quality job, for which your publication has been valued and has received the support of CHESS BROTHERS ♔ 💪

I appreciate your support, chess brothers. Thank you very much.

So much to learn about life just by using the game of chess as an illustration. I always skip this movie on Netflix but now this is a very interesting review. Hope to see it soon.

So much to learn about life just by using the game of chess as an illustration

That's right. The game of chess is application to almost every aspect of our lives. We just need to pay attention.

I always skip this movie on Netflix but now this is a very interesting review. Hope to see it soon

You should see it, you'll enjoy it, I guarantee it.

Great movie! I'm glad you've seen it. I enjoyed it

It's Nice to meet someone who has seen this movie and enjoyed it as much as I did.

Oh by the way, @samostically, a little birdie told me you are very good with Chess, will you teach me? 🥺

Haven't watched it, but I'm considering watching it right now. Can you play chess?

Haven't watched it, but I'm considering watching

Oh, you're going to love it.

Can you play chess?

No, but I'll love to learn. Can you play?

No, but I'll love to learn. Can you play?

They are a couple apps that can teach you the basics. Yes I can play

I've wanted to watch it for a long time, but I wasn't so sure if it was worth it. I'm affraid to be disappointed, tbh. But your post gave a little encouragement, so I will watch it!
Good post<3

I've wanted to watch it for a long time, but I wasn't so sure if it was worth it. I'm affraid to be disappointed, tbh

Tbh, you won't be disappointed. I promise. Go and ahead and watch it. You will be glad you did.

But your post gave a little encouragement, so I will watch it!

Yeah 💃💃💃. I am glad you've changed your mind.

Good post

Thank you very much

Heard a lot about this series and I am considering watching it because of you.

I think most times we don't get out of situation because we get erratic, a deep breath and proper thinking always works.

Heard a lot about this series and I am considering watching it because of you.

Awwwnnnn.... I am honored darling.

I think most times we don't get out of situation because we get erratic, a deep breath and proper thinking always works.

I am so glad you agree dear

You are doing great.

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