My experience taking FIT 9 suplemment by Sascha Fitness💪

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Hello dear friends! I hope you're having a good week! I'm back today but this time I wanna do a review of something special I've been taking.

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this post will be about a supplement I've been taking recently and I wanted to share my experience so maybe could be helpful to another person.

I've been following Sascha fitness since 2012. For those who don't know who's Sascha: She's a PROFESSIONAL fitness coach, she's a total specialist in this area, she had studied fitness and nutrition and she's a fitness Gurú, but I want to be clear, she's totally professional, not like those fake gurús we could find on the internet.


She's Venezuelan like me, so I've been following her journey since her beginnings on social media around 2012-2013. She founded her company where she offers supplements with high quality to support people with health needs.

She started creating a Hydrolyzed Protein that most find amazing. Then, she started creating other types of supplements and I've been waiting for the right moment to prove one.

FIT 9 is the star of Sascha's company and I saw so many people saying that the product is amazing that I wanted to try it on, but it's an expensive product. I have to clarify that all the Sascha Fitness products are expensive, but they're all made in USA, but belive me: It is worth every $!!!


I had read so many comments on people saying this product is amazing in Hormonal Support, Metabolism Suppor and also helps you in fat loss and I thought: WOW, this product can do all those things? It's crazy!! So I decided to do research on the product, what it contains, how it works, and of course, the secondary effects and found out that they most positive things than negative. I decided to try it on and took part of my funds to do it.

My surprise: This product is AMAZING! I used to have a lot of painful periods, but that's not happening anymore, as well as acne from my period. I used to increase my weight very easily and that's not happening either. I used to have many fluid retentions in my body and that also disappear.


I'm not saying everyone goes and buys this product at ALL!!! But, for those that might be interested, I encourage you guys to look for more information, read it, see Sascha's videos, and check if it is something you can try.

It's important that you also check the contraindications and if you're pregnant or lactating you CAN'T take this product. And talking about pregnancy, I read many references from women saying they couldn't get pregnant and taking this supplement they could because it regulates the hormonal systems and helps you be balanced in that part.

So, that's my experience. Again: I'm not saying you should get this, but you can look for more information, I'm just sharing my experience and it's totally great. I'm thinking in buying one more jar of this supplement. You can find more information in this link :


I really hope this could be helpful to someone. Thank you so much for reading ❤️


I used to buy protein supplements before, they are actually good, they helped me keeping me fit, but I stopped because I was no longer able to afford getting them. They grew very expensive due to the devaluation of my country's currency.

This post has been selected to be curated by @lazy-panda of the Hive Learners Community.

That's so true. It also happened with my country's currency and this kind of product are expensive, but it worth most of all when it comes to health! Thanks for your comment and support!