Birthday Blossoms And Blooms

in Daily Blog2 months ago

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Yesterday was my birthday! And what a fantastic day it was! Mainly because a whole herd of family and friends descended onto the farm for a birthday bonfire and feastival! More than a few games of cornhole were played, marshmallows were toasted over the open flame, my future sis-in-law added a bit of birthday drama to the fest by locking her keys in the car, and the bro and I got into a bit of mischief by stopping at the local watering hole and imbibing in a couple birthday shots.

It was a good day.

What made a good day even better, was that all my loved ones showered me in plants. I mean, I do have a right smack dab in the middle of spring birthday, so plants in bloom are abundant this time of year, but holy foliage did I get blessed with blooms yesterday!


My mom and dad got me this smashing begonia that I promptly potted into my big blue clay pot that lives on the porch all summer. I love the pop of orange with the deep blue glazed pot.

They also got me these most amazing calla lilies that have purple centers! I adore lilies! Okay, I adore most plants, but you know...


My son knocked me out of my cowboy boots when he walked in with a pot full of pansies and a mini weeping willow type tree. I've never seen a horticulture construction quite like that concoction and I was truly bowled over.


My brother and sis got me a peony that was promptly plunked into the soil between the other two peonies that I tend too, and this one really has me excited because it's yellow in the center and dark magenta on the outer petals. I CAN"T wait for its blooms to explode!


So, I bet you can probably guess what I did this post birthday morning, I planted all the things! The peony, lilies, and begonia are all nicely ensconced in their new homes.


I even got a nice #caturday view while wandering around planting things. Miss Peaches was tucked up under the ever-increasing rhubarb. It's one of her favorite napping spots and I always pause for a pic and a smile when I see her lounging there.


I also got some actual farm work done today too, I spread composted chicken manure on the corn, squash, and sunflower beds and planted two hundred row feet of sunnies. I can't wait to wander the path between my giant sunflower rows later this summer!

In the greenhouse the plant babies are looking might fine, my dahlias, marigolds, strawflowers, and calendulas have all sprouted nicely, and all the peppers and tomatoes are putting on growth.

A little warm would be nice, and I see in the forecast that they are calling for 80's this next weekend! GASP! Okay, I am not going to hold my breath, but as I have a Renaissance festival to attend this next Saturday, let's just say I am a bit excited about the prospect of being warm while I stroll amongst the fray in my finest peasant-wear.

But for now, more chores await. I need to go tend the hens and cut the chives for drying. Then, it's off to another bonfire, this time at @jacobtothe's abode!

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's definitely measured a lot of steps on this floral-tending day iPhone.


Congratulations on another cycle round the sun and the plethora of plants, one can NEVER have too many. !BEER to another year!

Thank you so much for the salutations and the digital libation!

And I so agree, one can NEVER have too many plants lol!


Happy Happy Happy birthday a day late! Oh, you lucky duck! A May birthday! I am soooo jealous! And so many gorgeous plants! I am so glad you had a wondrous day! But the pansies stole my heart. :))

Thank you so much my dear friend!! The surplus of plants always feels like the best kind of hug and I hope you are surrounded with a plethora of pansies😊


Happy Birthday! and what beautiful flowers, they are really beautiful, that makes anyone's day.

Thank you so much! I hope you are surrounded by some beautiful flowers too😊



Twas a nice fire and even nicer company....Especially the hair petting display 😆


This shows you’ve got beautiful people around you and they helped to make your day
Belated happy birthday to you!

Thank you so much😊 I do have beautiful people in my life, both online and off, and I hope that you are surrounded with with amazing people today too!!


What a feast of beautiful flowers, I love calla lilies! And Miss Peaches looks so comfy 😻
Happy belated birthday!

A flower feast! I love that! And I do feel pretty spoiled in the floral department these days, I'm almost as content as Miss Peaches lol!

Calla lilies are amazing, I hope you are surrounded with great company and a ton of flowers!


Hello dear friend @generikat good morning
What a beautiful day, full of surprises and beautiful gifts, what a great day, surrounded by loved ones.
Happy Birthday

Hi @jlufer! Good morning to you too! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, I sure hope you are having a fantastic weekend!


Wow. Nice upvote from Leo.voter 😀

I have never got one the big.


I woke up and saw it and was like, WOW! My face is all smiley and gratitude glowy lol!

Hope you are having a beyond positive day my dear friend, I know I sure am😊


I have no doubt you are. I am have a great, busy day at work :)


@generikat! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (13/50)

@generikat! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (10/50)

Many Happy Returns of the Day!

Oh I love the Renaissance festival!!

Thank you!!!😊

I'm so excited, I get to go to TWO Ren faires this summer, it's a be merrie bonus lol lol!

Hope you had a splendid weekend!


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Happy belated birthday!