
in Daily Blog2 months ago


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On the way home from town today, I was perusing the news a bit while the hubs listened to a Timesuck podcast about some historical murder of grislyness. I too was taking in grotesquery in the form of climate predictions.

You see, we are to have an El Nino summer in these parts according to NOAA, which of course means that Idaho is predicted to be scorched by above average temps.

Based on the current frigid out-side-o-sphere, I find that forecast a bit amusing, but also highly probable.


That said, as I wandered outside yesterday to piles of still frozen hail from the night before blanketing my early spring flowers, I still can't quite fathom what above average temps this summer might feel like. I mean, it was in the upper twenties here last night.

Which of course has put all the plants on pause as far as growth and blooming goes. I even had to get out a heater for the greenhouse, just in case.

But boy, did the scattering of dime-sized hail make for some mighty fine photos in the early morning light. The hubs chuckled at me as I skipped back in from feeding the cats and grabbed my phone to capture the climatological oddity.


It's always easy to talk about the weather, most of us tend to do so as it is like food, a universal subject. Which reminds me that a word fit sesh about gluten-free rain could be a hoot!

All in all though, I am getting a touch antsy about this almost winter spring that we are having, because it means that the heat will just turn on, like a blast from the atmosphere furnace, and I will have ALL the chores to do on the farm at once. I mean, I am supposed to be starting my warm weather crop starts this week, and I still don't have all the cold weather crops seeded because of this cold weather delay.

Even the peas are like, "um, we are just gonna hang right here at the ground, m'kay?!"


On the bright side though, I have been wandering around thinking that April hail showers look mighty peculiar on May flowers.

Who knows what the heck this month is going to bring?!!

One thing I know for certain, even though I absolutely adore watching my son shoot skeet and trap, my still frozen carcass is going to pass on walking through the barely above freezing deluge that is The Youth Sporting Clay Invitational in Nine Mile Falls, Washington this weekend. I don't feel too bad about missing it at all as in two weeks time I will be at state hoofing it around the sporting clays, skeet, and trap fields like the mostly devoted parent that I am. Hopefully the climate will be generous and bless us with some balmy temps to exist in for that three days of competition. C'mon weather, be a bruh!!

And now, it's time to chill by a nice and cozy wood fire with a good book and some tea...

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's nice and toasty to the touch iPhone.


The last year we lived in Minnesota was the only year (in the fifteen years I lived there) that we had what I called a real spring. The weather warmed up gradually, and we had some lovely days that were just gently warm before the heat of summer struck. I've seen that happen more often here in north Idaho, but I think you are right: it will likely go from winter to summer in about two days and leave us panting from the unaccustomed heat.

I may or may not have already told you that one of my parents' neighbors in western Montana always planted all of her garden at once on Memorial Day weekend. She always had wonderful gardens and great crops, and swore by her method. So take heart! It's not too late!

You did tell me about your neighbor! And I tend to not put much in the ground until May 20th or so, and it hasn't failed me yet! Okay, I did do a few hundred row feet of sunflowers today, but as I have about eleventy billion seeds, I figure I can take a risk with them, lol!

I can also totally tell you really miss those humid Minnesota summers lol!


Annnd today it was 78F here in Western Mass while we tried to prune back trees....

I want to say, Luuuccckkkkyyy about you having that delightful weather, but doing hard work like pruning in almost eighty degree heat might not have been the most awesome thing ever...


I got to sit in the truck :)) It was my poor brother holding up the pole saw all that time.

wow it's amazing, but nature and its mysteries is an amazing thing, after hail, a summer season awaits you. Here, the temperatures have increased a lot and my region is a little colder compared to other states in the country, I hope that the El Niño phenomenon does not do its thing for a long time. By the way, those flowers are beautiful.

Good morning (of afternoon or evening lol!)! Nature is something for sure, and I have to admit I am pretty excited to see what summer brings. Speaking of excited, your reply made my day and I hope you are having an absolutely splendid day😊


Once it finally arrives, cherish and hold onto spring as long as possible. Summers in the USA are grueling!

@tipu curate

I've had a talk with the weather and expressed my desire for some cozy, just right, spring weather, and you can bet if it shows up I will be cherishing ever single balmy second lol! You are so right about our summers, they can be bangers for sure!

Hope you are having a most pleasant day!


Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank youuuuu!!!

I don’t think anyone has a favorite weather because we tend to miss the present one after it is gone, lol
Keep beautiful memories of spring and I hope you enjoy the upcoming summer

That is a fantastic way of looking at it, lol!

I hope you are enjoying some magnificent present weather too😊


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Hey @generikat! Don't forget to post from inleo every once in a while to make the most out of your premium membership!

I really want to and tried to post the other day, but am having trouble still uploading photos to my posts. I see that it's supposed to be fixed, so I will try again, and thanks for the reminder😊

Yes! The Photos issue is fixed, try posting from inleo next time and if you have any issues write @anomadsoul a DM on discord!

Thank you! I will😊

Yikes! I am enjoying our 50-60 lows. Great sleeping with the windows open! 😀