How Tire-ing

in Daily Bloglast month


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Well, as much as I love living, there are days that Life reminds me that it has a morbid sense of humor at times. Tuesday night I took my math final and was feeling pretty accomplished. I finished my first semester of college as a medium-aged person with a 4.0 GPA, I don't start my summer theme park baking tenure until Memorial Day weekend, and I was looking forward to a couple weeks of gardening and rest.

Sure. Yep. How bout no.

Yesterday, I spent the whole day doing farm work. Installing weed barrier, transplanting starts, seeding things, and I was super content in doing so. In the early evening I enjoyed a lovely homemade taco, beans, and rice dinner with the boy, the hubs, and the Peasant (my son's friend who was bestowed his nickname in our first D&D campaign together), when all of sudden we got a phone call.

It was our daughter, and she was a bit hysterical.

The Squeak is a trained CNA and EMT, she doesn't get hysterical.

But anyone would if they were driving through town and their tire suddenly, without warning, shot off into traffic.

Thankfully, the tire missed hitting anyone as it sling-shotted its way through evening rush hour traffic. Even more thankfully, my daughter and her best friend weren't harmed in the slightest.

However, my daughter's SUV, that's a sadder tale.


By the time we got the SUV towed to our house (YAY triple A!), we, along with the tow truck driver, noticed that one of the studs had sheered completely off and all of the bolts were stripped. My daughter just had her winter tires swapped out before heading home from college at a local tire shop, and it looks like they over-torqued them, which led to a complete catastrophe.

So, now we get to go on a journey. She is on the phone with the tire company right now. I am hoping they do the right thing and fix the issue, but as a somewhat experienced at these sort of things adult, I have a feeling that insurance companies and lawyers will probably get involved. I sure hope I am wrong.


Thankfully, we have a herd of vehicles, and will be able to get everyone too and from work this summer. I just feel bad for my kiddo, it's a hard lesson to learn, that Life loves to visit in the most unpredictable ways. I mean, tires shooting off into traffic don't happen every day! So maybe the incident is like an omen of more weird and wild things to come.

Me, I just wanted to start basil and smell hyacinths.

Guess I will just do both!


These creatures aren't bothered by any of this drama.

Because as anyone who's transited the sun a few times knows, as the elder lyricist of the Rolling Stones once crooned, You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's really sort of in mourning that it has to take destroyed vehicle front end pictures instead of wild turkey and leafy produce images iPhone.


Wow. Looks like someone went overboard with the ugga-dugga gun. Here's hoping it gets sorted. And it's a good thing this didn't happen on her way home from college!

Upon closer inspection, it's even worse than that! I'll tell you about it tomorrow at the Ren Faire!


Also, we all died a bit when I read the ugga-dugga gun out loud!

I have now seen things. Why is there a thread pattern worn into the bolt holes on the wheel now? How did so much of the inside of the rim get ground away? If the tire shop is at fault, I hope they promptly make things right.

Okay, that was just crazy! I am glad nobody was hurt. Hope the tire company takes responsibility.

It was something! I am glad too, and we are working with them, but it's a bit of an adventure so far. Sigh...


Thank God your daughter and her friend are fine and no one was hurt by the flying tire. Everything else is fixable.

Best regards.

That truly is the thing I am most grateful for! It could have been really bad, especially since she just drove 500+miles home through the Continental Divide and over three mountain passes. Eeee!

Regards right back at ya😊


I so much dislike it when my vehicle is facing one problem or the other.
I’m glad you could tow your daughter’s SUV back home though

Vehicle issues are just the worst, and they always seem to be so dang costly! I am thankful for AAA(tow service)! We were once on an adventure with @jacobtothe and @scribblingramma and I learned how important roadside service was during another car breakdown while with them (They saved the day!)


Oho ..i can feel your tiresome situation..i hope it will sort out soon.

Ooh, it was indeed tiresome, and I appreciate your hopeful well-wishes😁


No wonder she was upset! Good grief! At least you got some good time in the gardens, etc…

Garden therapy has been wonderful. With the weather being in the mid to upper 70's, I have been as industrious as a busy honey bee lol!

Hope it's still nice on your side of the continent!



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