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RE: A Post Thanksgiving Pop In

in Daily Bloglast year

Ooh! I am one of those the more the merrier when it comes to family, so bring on the adoption papers!! LOL LOL!

Your replies always make me feel like I am not half exhausted and I somewhat have it together, I swear the reality is often a bit of a swirling mess, so big thank you hugs from me!

And that particular picture was of my daughter getting hurled about. Thankfully no one took a pic of me, I often look like a ten year old in my snow gear and the hubs cartwheeled me out of the sled when he drifted around a corner at about thirty mph. (I loved it lol!)

Love you too, sorry I am so slow, it's been a bit of a internet connection hoopla for the last few days round here!)



Novworries, woman. I'm so behind that I would be that last one to judge anyone!!

Your comment are the absolute best!!

Okay, I have nothing clever to say, only that your comments always make me 😊

Hope the day is treating you beyond swell madame awesome!