Balance and Harmony

in Daily Blog5 months ago (edited)

I had a list of tasks to do today.

You know, the typical - clean the home, but with specific details about what and how. Then print out music scores, try to organize the clothes and things my son will have to take to his trip to Germany, sort through old notebooks and books and make a selection of those that will serve me ever again, see if my plants need me with some intervention etc.

A nice, long list for one Saturday afternoon. No doubt, all these elements from the list are useful and have to be done, but no word about leisure activities and little joys that would bring back a balance after a week that was full of work.

Although it would be a bit funny to write down as a "task" and try to fulfil something like - read a book, have a nice talk & walk, meet acquaintances, make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, have a nap, chat with some friends... Wouldn't it be weird?


Anyway, I did all of this and much more, but nothing from the list. The balance had to be back, and as a coincidence, the book I was occupied with today also talked about balance and harmony on one page.

It is a book, actually a written workshop on Landscape Photography. The authors are Ross Hoddinott and Mark Bauer, two photographers from the UK who brought their knowledge and experience to those who would like to know a bit more about landscape photography. Also for complete dummies like me.

You have to have at least some basic equipment or if you can afford a better camera, even better. The talent and eye for photography are essential, but I think, like in music, it is just the starting point. A lot of work, practice and knowledge is needed, to develop your style, technique and give your own touch. There are some many "rules" also, those that I was reading today seemed so natural and logical to me. (it doesn't mean I remember them when I try to take a photo).


On the other hand, reading this workshop can seem like reading the scores of Rachmaninoff or Liszt at the moment one is just starting to learn to play the piano. An impossible thing. You don't understand one percent of the notes you see but still, you like what you hear. My today's reading activity can even feel a bit ridiculous for all those who master photography, though this is also a non-judgement exercise. And a non-self-judgement exercise too.

What I have learned from this page (but probably knew from before from intuition) is that a composition that is balanced and brings harmony is not the same as symmetry.

When I saw this scene some weeks ago in a lake where we like to go I thought it was balance. But it is more like just a kind of symmetry. The forest and the mountain in the background are reflected in the water, but now they come in a different colour. And it is difficult to breathe in the part of the photo where the water dominates. It is a bit suffocating.

Just see the forest and the sky (even if it is hidden by a thin layer of clouds) and you can breathe freely.


Well, my balance is back, there, with that fresh air together with all the pleasant things that happened during this afternoon (no work happened and nothing from the list was done) after a hard week. I was proud of myself for not thinking about the things I avoided doing. The home still has to be cleaned, and the same mess is around but I don't see them in the same way right now. They don't bother me.

And how was your day? Was it balanced, did you do anything that brought you pleasure or did you find purpose in different things? Feel free to share your experience of this Saturday.



I think you did better than well by letting yourself be carried away by that book and resting. Only in this way can we return to work and the tasks that we don't want to do so much. When we don't allow ourselves to rest, we end up getting sick. And we can no longer fulfil what we owe.

That photograph of the lake is incredible, balanced and symmetrical, a beauty in which to immerse yourself and relax your mind. ❤️🤗

Thank you, Paloma, yes I did it well yesterday, and today I am halfway of doing it again 😁
Well, I worked in the morning as every Sunday - it can't be cancelled, but everything is balanced at the moment :D

Feliz domingo 😉

How important it is to be balanced, to find that inner peace, to harmonise. Many times we must learn from that nature that you show at the end, she is balanced, it is man who interferes but she herself can balance our energies.

A moment of calm and peace is necessary. Yesterday was my day with a lot of things, but I could have my personal moment of balancing. Thank you @mipiano.❤️

It is the best, the way how you did - a day with a lot of things but to be able to have your personal moment. One has to master this ability well 😇

I hope you can find many of those personal and chilling moments for yourself today. Feliz domingo 😊

hahahaha I don't know why you say creepy hahaha I think you know me very well!

I plan to go to a cemetery hahahaha just to visit! hahahaha

Where did I say creepy?


Oh, a cemetery? I like those visits :))

I will sue the translator🤣

If there is a historical cemetery... I think Picasso is there... and it's almost Carnival! I have a lot to photograph hahaha


It seems that it is San Miguel cemetery in Málaga. If you go, enjoy the stroll through it 😉

And there is a park nearby. Plus... there are night tours!!! Great to see ghosts... well I don't know if I'll see them, I think I will and I can chat with them.🤣

How interesting everything you mention and how you mention it dear @mipiano 🧡

You talk about balance and harmony both in photography and in real life and I couldn't agree with you more.

In fact, I personally have to find that balance because not everything is really work, responsibilities, etc.

Today I decided to take a nap, I needed it since I wake up every day at 4am to go to work. I think it was a good idea 😄

I need a photography book, in fact many. I loved the photo of the landscape with the reflection in the water, that is harmony and symmetry 😍

I hope you had a nice Saturday 🥰🤗

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Hi Dimas :))

The nap you took was a perfect idea! Our bodies need a bit of chill, but then also a workout. We walked a long route (oh, I woke up in the night that my muscles were sore hahaha) and later visited a pastry shop hehe.🤦‍♀ 😂

Thank you, that mountain is a place where we love to go, probably as it is harmony itself. 😇 A big hug, with hopes that Sunday will be also a nice day, mixing leisure and a bit of work, of course ;))

A big hug for you @mipiano ;) Today I will try to make it a day of 75% leisure and 25% work 😅

I hope you have fun today and have a beautiful day 🥰

That is a very good ratio for a Sunday 😋

That's great, I was in Prado in our project, and now I come back home and still have to edit a ton of photos of one apartment I did last week, so my balance it totally broken 🤣🤣😅

Oh, so you are cleaning a bathroom in Photoshop? 😂 Hahaha, just a joke.
But that project in Prado is actually a pleasant time, right? So it is a good balance, to this editing work 😉

Jajjajajaj exactly 🤣🤣

Tu día estuvo perfecto.

The things on the list you will do when they need to be done. There is more time than life.

My day was busy. Tomorrow there will be time for recreation.

Lots of good things for your son on his trip to Germany.

Greetings. 🤗

So you balance your weekend - it is good, one day more busy and the next day more time to chill! Good strategy.

Yeah, the cleaning is still waiting, I thought I would do at least something after the post, but no. Nada! 😂

Lots of good things for your son on his trip to Germany.

Thanks. It is next weekend so all the laundry and paperwork has to be done until then.

Greetings back 🤗

Yes, you have to try to do everything possible to balance the activities, without forgetting the recreation 🤭.

It is next weekend so all the laundry and paperwork has to be done until then.

You have a whole week, plenty of time.

Hugs 🤗.

I didn't see balance and harmony in my Saturday as it was all about work and such. My Sunday came, but it's gloomy which made me tuck myself into bed the whole morning. Although I failed to travel this weekend, this gave me a chance to sleep longer and recoup the sleepless nights from the weekdays. I guess there is balance and harmony in there. hehe.. I'm planning to do a little jog later in the afternoon..

Nice shot, btw. I love how the landscape mirrors in the water. It is harmonious and balanced..


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Yes, there is balance in this, to let yourself sleep a bit more. Though I know the feeling, that you want to do many things, you plan it and a gloomy morning changes it. It is also fine, we accept and make the best out of the situation :)

Thank you, Jane, and enjoy the little jog in the afternoon 😇

The world of photography is fascinating, I could look at photos of landscapes and their details for hours. Thanks for sharing your experience with this book.

As it happens with music - if it is pleasant we can listen to it for hours, right? 🎶

Thank you for your shared thought, @tomasguitar :))

Composition, balance, symmetry... photography is an art...all this things are important...but you can also forget it and be free in your own way...

Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle, balancing between complete freedom but taking into account the rules. But I don't know, haha, it is not my forte 😅

Hope you are having a nice weekend full of inspiration. 🎨

today I was working. A community activity with a different schools and a lot of children. Now i am home selecting some paintings to sell..

You spent your day very well then 😇

Wish you a good night

Thank you, and the same to you when night falls at your place :D
Here it is already late 💤


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Isn't that interesting!

I totally felt that :)

I think this moves into the area of Kinesiology? I wish I knew more about this.

But I'll take your post with me and practice this with awareness and curiosity!

Thank you <3

Happy Monday!

Hey, you were here <3

I have no clue where this moves into, but I just had to do nothing that Saturday afternoon haha. But sometimes it is all we need 🕊️

Happy Monday, and all the days of the week to you too 🤗

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