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RE: Daily Blog - Tae-Kwon-Do tournament day: being the adults we needed when we were kids. / Día de torneo de Tae-Kwon-Do: siendo los adultos que necesitabamos cuando éramos chicos. 😀❤️

in Daily Blog2 years ago

This is beautiful 🤩 I'm also a taekwondo coach i could remember my first day in competition it was a memorable day because I'm so afraid on the mat at first round but thank God for my coach back then that gave me the courage to won the second match..

Today i also coach kids and adults in taekwondo 🥋 and i make sure i bring out the best in them anytime they are ready for competition.

I love the spirit of your goddaughter because it's not easy atall , she should continue the good work going no pain no gain as we always say any time we are training🥰

My regards to her i wish she become a good champion one day ✌️

 2 years ago  

That's great! It's good that you are a coach, these children looked for all their support in their teachers, you could see in their attitude that they were looking for their validation all the time... they are like their great references.

It is a very interesting practice, I had never seen a tournament or anything they did... I congratulate you for dedicating yourself to a great discipline 😃 and thank you very much for your great wishes!