Daily blog: First snow

in Daily Blog6 months ago

Hi, my dear friends!

Winter has reached us. Just yesterday outside the window there was the usual November landscape, but this morning everything was already covered with snow.

When I think about snow I think it is a very interesting subject. This is something philosophical. The fallen snow covers the ground and hides what was depressing us. For example, dirty autumn leaves. That is, we had a problem and now it’s gone - the snow hid it. And if it is something like old leaves, then by spring it will mix with the ground, returning completely to nature.

But if it is, for example, a plastic bottle, then in the spring we will see it again! The problem did not disappear, but was just hidden, giving us the opportunity not to think about it.

And speaking about snow as a philosophical subject, I think that there are different problems. There are some that you just have to forget about and they will disappear. In this case, the problem is usually not the problem itself, but the fact that we endlessly think about something that cannot be fixed, like I should have answered that ...

But if the problem is real, then disguise will not help and sooner or later we will have to solve it.

These are my thoughts about today's snow. In the photos you can see what my yard looked like this morning. 😘







I loved this philosophical vision about snow... worrying less about what will be solved sooner or later and taking care of fixing what is within our reach...

Beautiful photos from this winter, here in Argentina we are entering summer and we can already feel the heat.

I send you greetings, thank you for publishing on Daily Blog ❤️.

Please do stay much protected from cold,your health is very important. Thanks for sharing

You took a beautiful picture out of this👍