Period buildings in commercial or state service (Exclusive for ¨ArchitectureDesign¨)

in Architecture+Design2 years ago
Una vez mas muy feliz de estar en esta increible ¨ArchitectureDesignCommunity¨:  Me gusta mucho estar aquí, siento que estoy rodeado de personas que les encanta las imágenes que les doy a conocer de las edificaciones de época de nuestra ciudad, y eso me hace sentir muy bien y me motiva a dar a conocer, lo que para mí es la belleza del centro de mi ciudad; Para ser totalmente honesto, me encantaría ver todas las edificaciones antiguas restauradas, pero eso será imposible, por lo menos a corto y mediano plazo; La aparición de esta pandemia a congelado muchas acciones que los gobernantes han tenido en mente; Creo que hoy hay más planes de construcciones de edificaciones que se ocupen de la salud de los ciudadanos. Como les he dicho en algunas de mis publicaciones anteriores, muchos de los dueños de estas edificaciones fueron inmigrantes sin familiares en el país, algunos de ellos dejaron sus viviendas para regresar a su país de origen y otros fallecieron dejando a las edificaciones al abandono. Sobre esto se trata el post de hoy. Pero antes de comenzar y como es mi costumbre quiero agradecer a nuestros @storiesoferne @aplusd por brindarnos esta comunidad, que nos permite compartir nuestras pasiones, cada día soy más feliz de ser parte de ella y me encanta poder acompañarla en su crecimiento con el 15 % de la que genere el post en beneficio de nuestra amada comunidad

Source: Family Álbum

Once again very happy to be in this incredible ¨ArchitectureDesignCommunity¨:   I really like being here, I feel that I am surrounded by people who love the images that I show them of the period buildings of our city, and that makes me feel very good and motivates me to give to know, what for me is the beauty of the center of my city; To be totally honest, I would love to see all the old buildings restored, but that will be impossible, at least in the short and medium term; The appearance of this pandemic has frozen many actions that the rulers have had in mind; I believe that today there are more plans for the construction of buildings that deal with the health of citizens. As I have told you in some of my previous publications, many of the owners of these buildings were immigrants without relatives in the country, some of them left their homes to return to their country of origin and others died leaving the buildings abandoned. This is what today's post is about. But before starting and as is my custom, I want to thank our @storiesoferne @aplusd for giving us this community, which allows us to share our passions, every day I am happier to be part of it and I love being able to accompany it in its growth with the 15 % of that generated by the post for the benefit of our beloved community

Como les había anticipado, en el post de hoy les quiero mencionar lo que ha sucedido con una gran parte de las edificaciones de época. La guerra de ¨Europa¨ llevo a las personas migrar a países más tranquillos; Coincidentemente nuestro país que estaba en pleno desarrollo, ofrecían tierras para ser habitadas en provincia como las nuestras que estaban emergiendo; Así es como llegan personas de diferentes lugares a nuestra ciudad y se establecieron, muchas de ellas volvieron a sus ciudades de orígenes, y otras tantas fallecieron y al no tener familiares en el país, las edificaciones quedaron abandonadas. Muchas de estas edificaciones que fueron identificadas o se pusieron a la venta o están en poder de alguna de las instituciones del estado.

Source: Family Álbum

As I had anticipated, in today's post I want to mention what has happened to a large part of the period buildings. The ¨Europe¨ war led people to migrate to calmer countries; Coincidentally, our country, which was in full development, offered lands to be inhabited in provinces like ours that were emerging; This is how people from different places come to our city and settled, many of them returned to their cities of origin, and many others died and having no relatives in the country, the buildings were abandoned. Many of these buildings that were identified or put up for sale or are in the possession of one of the state institutions.

Muchas de las edificaciones que se ha identificado y están en poder del municipio, serán o están incluidas en el programa de restauración; Como se trata del casco histórico de la ciudad, la intención es que las viejas edificaciones se vean bien, y sobre todo segura para todos los que deambulan por las veredas de la ciudad. En estos dos últimos años se ha visto una pequeña desaceleración de las restauraciones, como les mencione anteriormente, hay otras prioridades ante la situación que se vive hoy en nuestra ciudad con referencia a la afección que acosa al mundo.

Source: Family Álbum

Many of the buildings that have been identified and are in the possession of the municipality, will be or are included in the restoration program; As it is the historic center of the city, the intention is that the old buildings look good, and above all safe for all who roam the sidewalks of the city. In the last two years there has been a slight slowdown in restorations, as I mentioned earlier, there are other priorities given the situation that exists today in our city with reference to the condition that plagues the world.

Existen otras variantes que justifican la falta de mantenimiento a las edificaciones de época; Algunas personas que han heredado no cuentan con el dinero suficiente para mantener impositivamente la propiedad y restaurar las mamposterías; En algún momento he mencionado como han aumentado mucho los impuestos inmobiliarios en la provincia, y al estar estos edificios en pleno corazón de la ciudad son muy costosos; Otra variable muy común de ver en todas las ciudades no solo en la nuestra, son las usurpaciones provocadas por otras personas ajenas al país que van llegando; Desgraciadamente la Argentina tienes leyes que hacen que recuperar estas instalaciones lleven mucho tiempo, y estas leyes son de conocimiento público, y en ocasiones incitan a personas sin hogar tomar propiedades prestadas hasta que legalmente las desalojen. Estas son otras de las razones para que las fachadas de las edificaciones de épocas no estén presentadas como deberían

Source: Family Álbum

There are other variants that justify the lack of maintenance of period buildings; Some people who have inherited do not have enough money to tax the property and restore the masonry; At some point I have mentioned how property taxes have increased a lot in the province, and since these buildings are in the heart of the city, they are very expensive; Another very common variable to see in all cities, not only ours, are the encroachments caused by other people outside the country who are arriving; Unfortunately, Argentina has laws that make recovering these facilities take a long time, and these laws are public knowledge, and sometimes they encourage homeless people to borrow properties until they are legally evicted. These are other reasons why the facades of the buildings of the time are not presented as they should

Por suerte muchas de las edificaciones están en manos del municipio, ocupando algunas sedes de algún departamento provincial, y otras tantas están en manos privadas que les dan algún uso comercial; En muchos casos se mantienen la fachada original , y se restructuraron el interior para un uso comercial; Un ejemplo son las edificaciones que funcionan como estacionamiento público; Al ser una ciudad de unos quinientos años, muchas calles no están previstas el estacionamiento; Además, el parque automotor ha crecido y seguirá creciendo con los años, es la razón principal de tomar estas edificaciones, y ponerlas en condiciones para que ayuden a descongestionar los automóviles parados en la vía publica

Source: Family Álbum

Luckily many of the buildings are in the hands of the municipality, occupying some headquarters of a provincial department, and many others are in private hands that give them some commercial use; In many cases the original façade is maintained, and the interior was restructured for commercial use; An example is the buildings that function as public parking; Being a city of about five hundred years, many streets are not provided for parking; In addition, the vehicle fleet has grown and will continue to grow over the years, it is the main reason for taking these buildings, and putting them in conditions so that they help decongest the cars stopped on the public road

Algo que también se ven mucho en la ciudad en el uso de estas edificaciones, son los establecimientos educativos; El interior de las construcciones con varios patios y amplias galerías las hacen ideal para instituciones de infantes o cursos del nivel inicial; También he visto algunas universidades tomar esta edificaciones de época, y otras tantas ocupadas por diferentes editoriales; Lo bueno de esto, es que las edificaciones que están siendo utilizadas están medianamente bien cuidadas; Lo importante no es que visiblemente se vean bien, lo más importante es que sus estructuras se conserven bien y no sean una amenaza para quienes transitamos por las veredas de la ciudad; Además, estos edificios pertenecen a nuestra cultura y tienen mucho para contar. Las fotografías que hemos vistos las tomamos con mi cámara ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨

Source: Family Álbum

Something that is also seen a lot in the city in the use of these buildings, are educational establishments; The interior of the buildings with several patios and large galleries make them ideal for infant institutions or initial level courses; I have also seen some universities take this period buildings, and many others occupied by different publishers; The good thing about this is that the buildings that are being used are fairly well cared for; The important thing is not that they visibly look good, the most important thing is that their structures are well preserved and are not a threat to those of us who walk along the sidewalks of the city; In addition, these buildings belong to our culture and have a lot to tell. The photographs that we have seen were taken with my camera ¨NikonCoolpixB500¨


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

OMG! First of all let me appreciate your images, they are soooooooo nice and clear especially the very first one.

Secondly war isn't something anyone in this present age would wish for seeing the past events of how cold the previous wars has been displacing people to places they never wished to find themselves. People dying and leaving off properties without an heir or relative to inherit it and some relocating due to one situation or the other. That's actually tragic in a way. I think remodeling the buildings and putting them up for sale is such a good idea or maybe using them for societal purposes. Great post

Very happy that my images have been to your liking dear friend @teknon
Thank you very much for appreciating my writing, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a happy start to the weekend

Thanks for the beautiful wishes I couldn't help but admire the images as they were so incredible.

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sometimes they encourage homeless people to borrow properties until they are legally evicted.

Homeless people often just simply occupy abandoned buildings. This is called squatting. And if they use the property in a proper way, then I do not see any problem with this. But some homeless people damage or destroy abandoned buildings. I heard that some of them even literally (probably not intentionally) burned down houses.

I very much agree with you dear friend @xplosive if the use is correct it is very good; what happens here is that they damage the materials and take over as if they belonged to the place
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit.
Enjoy a beautiful afternoon

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Hello dear friends @curie good afternoon
Thank you very much for the enormous support you provide to my post.
Happy to have you visit my posts
I wish the whole team a beautiful afternoon

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I always love looking at these old school buildings they just don't make them like that anymore great post @jlufer 👍

I love this view, it has a very calm and peaceful ambiance.

 2 years ago  

Well done @jlufer! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #49. Congratulations!


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What a pleasant surprise dear friend @aplusd, thank you very much for highlighting my post
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon. Enjoy it a lot

 2 years ago  

Hello, dear friend @jlufer. We're always proud to host your remarkable content in our beloved community. Stay as awesome as you are. 😊