Havana Central Park [ESP-ENG]

in Architecture+Designlast year (edited)


A few days ago I was walking, as usual, through the central part of Havana and I passed by this park with my son and my daughter-in-law and I want to show it to you. It is a place that holds a lot of history of my country Cuba, it is located a few meters from the city centre, besides having a beautiful design and a very striking sculpture, the first of all those made to our national hero José Martí Pérez.

Hace unos días paseaba, como de costumbre, por la parte centrica de La Habana y pasé con mi hijo y mi nuera por este parque y quiero enseñároslo. Es un lugar que encierra mucha historia de mi país, Cuba, se encuentra a pocos metros del centro de la ciudad, además de tener un hermoso diseño y una escultura muy llamativa, la primera de todas las realizadas a nuestro héroe nacional José Martí Pérez.


The park is located on a block with Zulueta street in front, San José and Neptuno streets on the sides and Paseo Martín (Prado) Avenue in the background. The great Boulevard of Havana leads to it, located in San Rafael street. The park is surrounded by 5 important hotels, Iberostar Parque Central, Telégrafo, Inglaterra, Manzana and the Plaza, in addition, the Gran Teatro de la Habana is in the background and diagonally El Capitolio. It is one of the most important parks in Cuba and serves as a reference point for all Cubans, whether they are from Havana or any other province.

El parque está ubicado en una manzana con la calle Zulueta al frente, las calles San José y Neptuno a los lados y la avenida Paseo Martín (Prado) al fondo. A él conduce el gran Bulevar de La Habana, ubicado en la calle San Rafael. El parque está rodeado por 5 importantes hoteles, Iberostar Parque Central, Telégrafo, Inglaterra, Manzana y el Plaza, además, al fondo está el Gran Teatro de la Habana y en diagonal El Capitolio. Es uno de los parques más importantes de Cuba y sirve de punto de referencia para todos los cubanos, sean de La Habana o de cualquier otra provincia.




This park has several paths through the lush vegetation, something very striking in the centre of Havana, where everything is asphalt, streets, buildings and ollin. The paths are made of grey granite and are lined with benches. These paths criss-cross and lead to spaces where there are benches with backs, where visitors can sit in the shade of the trees, and where people make a habit of visiting the park to chat and discuss related topics for long periods of time.

Este parque cuenta con varios senderos entre la frondosa vegetación, algo muy llamativo en el centro de La Habana, donde todo es asfalto, calles, edificios y ollín. Los senderos son de granito gris y están bordeados de bancos. Estos caminos se entrecruzan y conducen a espacios donde hay bancos con respaldo, donde los visitantes pueden sentarse a la sombra de los árboles, y hay gente que tiene por costumbre visitar el parque para charlar y discutir sobre temas relacionados durante largos ratos.



The floor of the entire park is gray granite, but it has some red stripes of stone veneer that create lines on the floor that adorn the park.

El suelo de todo el parque es de granito gris, pero tiene unas franjas rojas de enchape de piedras que crean líneas en el suelo que adornan el parque.



Like the Paseo del Prado, this park was built in 1877 after the demolition of the city walls and the expansion of the city, so it is over 300 years old. It has been remodelled, at the beginning the statue that stood in the centre was of Queen Isabel II and in the year 1900 the decision was taken to change it for that of Jose Marti, as well as planting the 28 royal palms that symbolise his date of birth.

Al igual que el Paseo del Prado, este parque se construyó en 1877 tras el derribo de las murallas y la expansión de la ciudad, por lo que tiene más de 300 años. Ha sido remodelado, al principio la estatua que se alzaba en el centro era de la reina Isabel II y en el año 1900 se decidió cambiarla por la de José Martí, además de plantar las 28 palmas reales que simbolizan su fecha de nacimiento.



The monument to José Martí Pérez was made by José Villalta de Saavedra, a famous Cuban sculptor. The material used was white Carrara marble and it was inaugurated in February 1905. This monument has a large square base covered with stone slabs at the back, and at the front it has marble steps that allow access to the square that borders the central piece for a closer look.

El monumento a José Martí Pérez fue realizado por José Villalta de Saavedra, afamado escultor cubano, el material utilizado fue mármol blanco de Carrara, fue inaugurado en febrero de 1905. Este monumento tiene una gran base cuadrada cubierta de losas de piedra en la parte posterior, y en la parte delantera tiene escalones de mármol que permiten acceder a la plaza que bordea la pieza central para verla más de cerca.


On the lower part of the base at the front of the monument are dark-coloured relief figures depicting a horse and an ox, as well as men and women, some of them half-naked and others with wrestling shields. These two animals represent the spirit of struggle and work.

En la parte inferior de la base, en la parte delantera del monumento, hay figuras en relieve de color oscuro que representan un caballo y un buey, así como hombres y mujeres, algunos de ellos semidesnudos y otros con escudos de lucha. Estos dos animales representan el espíritu de lucha y de trabajo.



On the lower part of the shaft of the monument are relief sculptures in Carrara marble, figures of women, men and children, intertwined, some with weapons, some walking and some seated, representing the people in all their shades.

En el fuste del monumento, en la parte baja, hay esculturas en relieve de mármol de Carrara, son figuras de mujeres, hombres y niños, entrelazados, algunos con armas, unos caminando y otros sentados, que representan al pueblo en todos sus matices.


At the top of the shaft is the National Coat of Arms of Cuba, which is so beautiful, you can see even the smallest details, even the oak and laurel frogs that border it, it was a meticulous work.

En la parte superior del fuste está el Escudo Nacional de Cuba, que es tan bello, se observan hasta los más mínimos detalles, incluso las ramas de encina y laurel que lo bordean, fue un trabajo minucioso.



At the top is the statue of our National Hero with his right arm outstretched in position to deliver a speech with his characteristic oratory and at one of the moments when I portrayed him, a pigeon had the whim to land on his shoulder and then on his index finger.

En lo alto está la estatua de nuestro Héroe Nacional con el brazo derecho extendido en posición de pronunciar un discurso con su característica oratoria y en uno de los momentos en que le retraté, una paloma tuvo el capricho de posarse en su hombro y luego en su dedo índice.



In front of the monument, among the royal palm trees, there are 8 stonecutters imitating coffin shapes, in honor of the 8 medical students who were unjustly shot in colonial times, for being accused of desecrating the grave of a Spanish journalist, during the War of the 10 years.

Frente al monumento, entre las palmeras reales, hay 8 canteros imitando formas de ataúdes, en honor a los 8 estudiantes de medicina que fueron fusilados injustamente en la época colonial, por ser acusados ​​de profanar la tumba de un periodista español, durante la Guerra de los 10 años.



This park is not just a place of reference or rest, not to mention the great and exciting baseball debates that took place in other times. It is a place that undoubtedly keeps a lot of history and Cuban identity.I hope you liked the walk. See you soon

Este parque no es solo un lugar de referencia o descanso, sin mencionar los grandes y emocionantes debates beisboleros que se dieron en otros tiempos. Es un lugar que sin duda guarda mucha historia y cubanía. Espero que te haya gustado el paseo. Te veo pronto.


Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Huawei P20 lite
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Thanks for the support dear ❤️

Always a pleasure @lileisabel. Keep it up! 😊

 last year  

Congratulations @lileisabel! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded GOLD MARK in Architecture Anthology™ 9. More power!


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Very grateful as always @aplusd, it only encourages me to be better every day, it makes me feel very proud, regards❤️🤗

 last year  

We are truly proud to have you as one of our beloved community's distinguished authors dear @lileisabel. Keep up the exceptional contributions of architecture and design from Cuba and beyond. More blessings for 2023! 😀

Hace bastante tiempo que no paseo por ese parque. He aprendido cosas que no sabía con este escrito que has hecho. Muy bellas fotos!

It's been quite some time since I've walked through that park. I learned things I didn't know with this write up you did. Very nice pictures!

Gracias por pasar querida @jordy0827, es un lugar muy interesante, además de estar en el centro de la ciudad, muy cerquita de todo. Saludos ❤️👍

Thanks for stopping by dear @jordy0827, it's a very interesting place, besides being in the center of the city, very close to everything. Greetings ❤️👍

Greetings @lileisabel. Who doesn't love parks, right? These green environments are a crucial part of a city's progress and development as they're one of our core connections to nature. Likewise, these landmarks stabilize the neighborhood's ecosystem by eliminating unwanted pollution in the atmosphere, thus providing fresh air for everyone. I'm glad that Havana is blessed to be the home of the gorgeous Central Park where Cubans and foreign visitors alike could reap the rewards of their healthy surroundings. 😊👍

Apart from the palm trees, do you have any idea of the other species of trees, plants, shrubs, and foliage used as ornamentations in that urban space?

Hello @storiesoferne , no doubt this park is one of the great lungs of Havana and in my post I did not allude to the diversity of existing tree species in the place that is quite wide , among them are the yagrumas , red flamboyants that were incorporated in the remodeling , the existing vegetation of many years ago still euentran poplars and laurels , among others. Warm greetings even though it is freezing here hahaha.

Hola @storioferne , sin duda este parque es uno de los grandes pulmones de La Habana y en mi post no hice alusión a la diversidad de especies arbóreas existentes en el lugar que es bastante amplia , entre ellas se encuentran las yagrumas , flamboyanes rojos que fueron incorporados en la remodelación , de la vegetación existente de hace muchos años atras aún euentran álamos y laureles , entre otros. Un caluroso saludo a pesar de que por aquí hace un friooo jajaja

Oh wow, that's an amazing collection from our green friends of nature! The Havana Central Park is indeed an iconic Cuban environment worth visiting and experiencing. Cheers @lileisabel! 😊

Thank you always for your kind comments and support.🤗

Qué buen paseo, y el clima estaba radiante, las fotos tienen una bella luz.

Hace unos meses ví la película que cuenta la historia de esos estudiantes injustamente fusilados, ¡qué fuerte!

Saludos @lileisabel 😊

What a nice walk, and the weather was radiant, the photos have a beautiful light.

A few months ago I saw the movie that tells the story of those students unjustly shot, how hard!

Cheers @lileisabel 😊

Yes, dear @sofathana, it is a beautiful place of relevant importance for Cubans. It's good that you saw the movie, it tells the story as it is told in the books, it's a very moving story, thanks for commenting, ahh dear remember to translate your comment so it can be read by everyone ❤️👍

Sí querida @sofathana, es un hermoso lugar de relevante importancia para los cubanos. que bueno que viste la pelicula, cuenta la historia como se cuenta en los libros, es una historia muy conmovedora, gracias por comentar, ahh cariño recuerda traducir tu comentario para que pueda ser leído por todos ❤️👍

Es verdad, siempre olvido traducir los comentarios acá jeje, ¡listo!

That's right, I always forget to translate the comments here hehe, done!


 last year  

Dear @sofathana. As part of our community rules, we highly encourage authors to always add/provide the English language translations to their comments/replies that use other languages for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.

Sorry, done!

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Thanks for the support dear ❤️

I like this place, even though it is filled with buildings with modern-style architecture, there is still green space to take shelter from the sun @lileisabel

Yes @umirais , despite being surrounded by large buildings, including 5 hotels, it is important to preserve this green lung that serves as a filter for the city, regards 🤗

🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 @lileisabel

Without a doubt, it is a very beautiful park and besides that, it has been established for 300 years and has undergone so many renovations for its maintenance. It is important to highlight these places that, in addition to being a social place, bring well-being and joy to the citizens.

That's right friend @ginethchira2301 I can't imagine this city full of buildings and traffic without that green lung that helps us keep our lungs clean

Greetings @lileisabel the park is very nice, it is very well preserved and may it be maintained for a long time more and well the dove was immortalized with José Martí thanks to your camera 😃 Happy Holidays!

Que bonito se ve ese urbanismo