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RE: Modernized Bahay Kubo

in Architecture+Design3 years ago (edited)

Hello @mrnightmare89 I greet you from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In Venezuela there is a similar type of construction called Palafitos, in fact there is a theory that states that when the Spanish conquerors observed these houses, built on the water by our native peoples, they imagined the city of Venice and called the place: "The little Venice "hence the name of my Country. Thank you for showing us this beauty, a true work of natural art. I congratulate you, keep writing and investigating to obtain better results in this our wonderful family @Arquitectura+Diseño Welcome. Receive a strong virtual hug full of positive energy and lots of light. Infinite blessings.

Hola @mrnightmare89 Te saludo desde la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. En Venezuela existe un tipo de construcción similar llamado Palafitos, de hecho existe una teoría que afirma que cuando los conquistadores españoles observaron estas casas, construidas sobre el agua por nuestros pueblos originarios, se imaginaron la ciudad de Venecia y llamaron el lugar: "La pequeña Venecia" de allí el nombre de mi País. Gracias por mostrarnos esta belleza, verdadera obra de arte natural. Te felicito, sigue escribiendo e investigando para obtener mejor resultado en esta nuestra maravillosa familia @Arquitectura+Diseño. Bienvenida. Recibe un fuerte abrazo virtual cargado de energía positiva y mucha luz. Bendiciones infinitas.


Little Venice huh, that's awesome even though I just saw Venice on television and the internet and haven't heard about Plafitos but assuming it's still cool and nice to live because of the similarities of this type of house.

By the way, have you shared those types of houses here? I just want to check it.
Thanks for dropping by.

Hello @mrnightmare89 I invite you to read this article published by me 5 months ago and if you put the word palafito in the search engine, you will get several entries. Receive a virtual hug from Venezuela and many blessings.

Hola @mrnightmare89 Te invito a leer este artículo publicado por mi hace 5 meses y si colocas en el buscador la palabra palafito te van a salir varias entradas. Recibe un abrazo virtual desde Venezuela y muchas bendiciones.