
Are you for real? It scares the life out of me.
I hate them

HAHA I own 2 as pets but I do see your point, aggressive snakes would make a mess of a home if not caught.

Wow! I often hear people keeping snakes as pets.
Oh, my gee! How do you tame it?
I hope it's not the aggressive type.

The local reptile stores buys them bred in captivity. They are much more docile when not wild.

Oh that is better then. How big is yours? and I hope it doesn't sleep with you lol. I am just scared curious hehe.

At the current moment, my ball Python is 3.9 feet long, and the baby woma python is 3 feet long. The woma will grow up to about 5 feet in length within a few years. The Ball Python is fully grown but could gain up to 1 foot for a max of 5 ft.

I don't sleep with them, but the Ball Python likes my office Chai because I has holes he climbs through. They are not overly intelligent so its unlikely he understands what the office chair is, but I always wonder what he is thinking because it's not a tree.

Wow! I guess I will get to see them a couple of days from now. Have you ever posted there here? Cause I have gone through your recent articles but haven't seen one

Wow I get scared of snakes,how do you handle snakes since snakes are considered to be dangerous....@phusionphil

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