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RE: Interiors of Havana's Capitol: A work of Art [en-es]

Una verdadera joya nuestro capitolio, hermosamente fotografiado por tus talentosas manos, felicidades @janetedita y gracias por compartir esta maravillosa edificación para el deleite de todos los amigos de la comunidad, saludos

A real gem our capitol, beautifully photographed by your talented hands, congratulations @janetedita and thank you for sharing this wonderful edification for the delight of all friends of the community, greetings.


Thank you very much Raulito! Surely you would find a million details to photograph, because my friend, that's what is so impressive, that it is stunning as a huge building and at the same time with the smallest detail.

Muchas gracias Raulito! Seguramente tu encontrarías un millón de detalles para fotografiar, porque amigo, es eso lo impactante, que es impresionante como enorme edificio y a su vez con el más nimio detalle.

Les podemos decir que nos lo presten una semana para nosotros hacerle fotos por todos lados!!😂😂

We can tell them to lend it to us for a week so that we can take pictures of it everywhere!

🤭🤣🤣🤣 let's do that 😉 And maybe...just maybe I'll get lost in there and have to stay living 🤭🤣
