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RE: [ENG-SPN] Calatañazor: medieval architecture / Calatañazor: arquitectura medieval

Hello @juancar347 How incredible is the history of architecture. The wooden framed walls shows how intelligent were our ancestors were in creating structure out of resources they had at that time.
The picture shows the history of the beautiful culture.
Great article, have a nice week!


Indeed: I am convinced that Architecture would not have reached its current state, if it had not been for the fuel (metaphorically speaking) of these predecessors, in which, in addition to beauty, I also see pure and hard functionality. Thank you very much for your comment and I hope you also have a great and fruitful week.
En efecto: estoy convencido de que la Arquitectura no hubiera llegado a su actual estado, si no hubiera sido por el carburante (metafóricamente hablando) de estos antecesores, en los que además de belleza, veo también funcionalidad pura y dura. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y espero que tengas también una fructífera y fenomenal semana.