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RE: Visit to the Gran Teatro de la Habana "Alicia Alonso" [ESP-ENG]

in Architecture+Design2 years ago (edited)

¡Espectacular visita! Qué imponente edificación y qué bueno que actualmente lleve el nombre de esa gran bailarina, ¡saludos @lileisabel!

Spectacular visit! What an imposing building and how nice that it currently bears the name of that great dancer, greetings @lileisabel!


Hello friend @sofathana , I don't know how I missed responding to your comment, excuse me yes, that theater is a great work and represents a lot for the National Ballet of Cuba, which was represented by that ballet icon Alicia Alonso, I have a lot of information that they gave me during the visit but I only focused on the architecture because the publication was too long for me, but that place also houses a lot of art, Alicia felt it as her home, in fact when she died there they watched her to receive the last goodbye of all who admired her. Thanks for stopping by friend ❤️

Hola amiga @sofathana , no se como me perdí responder a tu comentario, discúlpame si, ese teatro es una gran obra y representa mucho para el Ballet Nacional de Cuba, que estuvo representado por ese icono del ballet Alicia Alonso, yo tengo mucha informacion que me dieron durante la visita pero solo me enfoque en la arquitectura porque la publicacion se me hizo muy larga, pero ese lugar tambien alberga mucho arte, Alicia lo sintio como su casa, de hecho cuando murio allí la velaron para recibir el último adiós de todos los que la admiraban. Gracias por pasarte amiga ❤️

No te preocupes @lileisabel, a cualquiera le puede pasar jeje, oye qué interesante lo que cuentas, entonces nos mostrarás más aspectos interesantes de este gran teatro, ¡un abrazo!

Don't worry @lileisabel, it can happen to anyone hehe, hey how interesting what you tell, then you will show us more interesting aspects of this great theater, a hug!

I have to see dear, many times I don't know in which community to place all this information, because I don't like to talk about a place that I already mentioned in some community, that's what happened to me in the Museum of Fine Arts, anyway for now it remains in knowledge for me, I'll see how I do hahahaha, greetings beautiful ❤️

¡Hay muchísimas comunidades! Echa un vistazo a las de fotografía: Photography Lovers, Black and White... estoy segura de que encontrarás dónde poner toda esa información jejeje, ¡saludos!

There are so many communities! Check out the photography ones: Photography Lovers, Black and White, Photography... I'm sure you'll find where to put all that information hehehe, greetings!

Thank you beautiful, I'll explore, success and see you on the road 😘❤️