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RE: A Romantic Affair with Cities

This is exactly what I meant above, dear @storiesoferne - that this is a marketing strategy. Conscious or not, which has taken place over the years... and over the centuries. Otherwise, why would people want to visit those cities if they are not just WOW? 😄
And yet - the capitals are always remarkable. This is the business card of each country. I have heard of capitals that are perfectly arranged and with unique architecture, and there is nothing outside them - there are no roads, people live in poverty, etc. So, for me, the impressive architecture in the capitals is a well-planned project of every government. 😊


Amazing! Surely we are on the same page after all dear @soulsdetour. 😎 In fact, stunning works of architecture disguised as marketing tactics are simply one of the oldest tricks in the book, employed by governments all over the world to fatten their economic bottom line. 👍

This is the business card of each country.

Precisely! Your statement above explains everything in the most perfect sense. At the end of the day. architecture is one of the most powerful weapons and valuable assets of a highly successful civilization. 😊