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RE: SMASh 187 - Training For The U.S. Open

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

Nice shadow hunters entry. There is nothing I love more than spending time with family. My grand children keep me young. Always on the go when they visit us on the farm.
It's nice to hear that despite this covid virus some positivity prevails, enjoy your grandson.


Thanks @farm-mom. You said grand children. How many do you have? I only have one but he is making me feel my age lol. There's so many things he would love me do for him but I just have to say no for my own safety 😂

Yes, I am enjoying him while he still thinks I'm the coolest person in the world.

Thanks for the visit and the upvote. You are very generous. See you around 😊

Hey @gems.and.cookies I have to remind myself to slow down some when I am with the kids. I have six granddaughters and one grandson, quite a happy crew.
I'll be around.😉

Seven grandkids! WOW. Must really be a riot when they're all around. Yes, do slow down a bit when they're around. We're not as flexible and agile as we would like to be 😂

You've got that right, I wish I was as agile as I once was.
Oh, such is life.