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RE: **MOON CACTUS** Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest-Round 230

in Shadow Hunters • 2 years ago

OMG I am "beerologist approved"? What an honor!!😎

Hello there @zekepickleman, always a pleasure when you stop by. So you like those moon cactus huh? I think they are so cool looking; I have had them on and off for years, but because they are a grafted moon, they only last a few years. I had a giant Senita cactus we got for a wedding gift, it lasted over 20 years. it had to be 6' tall.
This cactus can grow up to 15' tall and to buy a 1 and half foot cutting is $75, dang had I known back then, I would have been slicing and dicing that prickly thing. 😄

I hope you have a great week, now is it 5pm yet?