¨Shadow Hunters¨ # 151 Commitment is the key to growth at Hive

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago
A ¨community¨ we make people, when we do them well, this is the result ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Happy to be part of this beautiful ¨community¨. I want to start by ¨thanking¨ all the people who make it possible for our community to work as it does @ocd @good-karma @ecency @taskmanager #archon @pixresteemer @melinda010100 @annephilbrick @nelinoeva @shasta

Source: Family Album

Happy to have met our friend @ melinda010100, an incredible woman who leads by example, she is of the idea that a community we do it together for the benefit of all, and in the process of construction, the contribution of everything is important, it is the reason to make this beautiful community a beneficiary

10% of what this post generates is destined to ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨: 

Source: Family Album
This is the image that participates in the competition

After the good work they have done, those responsible for this week's ¨shadowhunt¨ are in charge of my Son Ramiro and my wife Gabriela; They have the mission of finding ¨shadows¨ ¨projected¨ by objects in the ¨public¨ ¨way¨

Source: Family Album

The "patience" makes the "hunter", is what was needed to take this picture, they had to wait for the "light" to change the angle to obtain this "shadow"

Source: Family Album

Our city is full of structure on public roads, it serves to aerate underground conduits. We took these beautiful images with a ¨Nikon Coolpix B500¨ camera.

Source: Family Album


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


That is interesting involving your family in your shadow hunt! What fun!!!

If they are the official hunters of the family, they have done a great job, and the prize is to hunt shadow again next week, it is a way to distribute the work dear friend @ silversaver888, they bring me the images and I public.
very grateful for the enormous support you provide to my post.
I really enjoyed the weekend

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how are you dear friends @ecency good day
We are grateful for the great support they give both to us and to our community
Have a wonderful day everyone

#posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Great shadow photos! This was a super successful family hunt! It must have been difficult to decide which photo to select as your contest entry. They are all quite wonderful.
Thanks for your bene awards and all you do for the community. We continue to grow!

hello dear friend @ melinda010100 good day
It's true, Ramiro and my wife are doing a great job, they are understanding what the challenge is about, they are increasingly focusing on the shadows.
Thank you very much for the great support you give to my post,
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend

hello dear friends good afternoon
I appreciate with all my heart the enormous support you give to my post
I wish the whole team a splendid afternoon

Hace unos cuantos días que he estado complicado para navegar por hive visitando amigos! Grata fue la sorpresa que tuve cuando encontré tus excelentes trabajos en esta hermosa comunidad cazadora de sombras.

Como siempre nos tenés aconstumbrado, tu gran compromiso con el crecimiento de HIVE y de cada una de las comunidades que participas no hacen más que agregar valor a todo este ecosistema!

Felicitaciones por tu granb labor @jlufer!

Que tengas una excelente semana

Hola querido amigo @pablo1601 buenas tardes.
Aprecio de todo corazón tus amables palabras, eres muy gentil.
Me pone muy feliz que te hayas unido a nuestra querida comunidad.

Espero que hayas pasado una hermosa navidad rodeado de tus seres queridos, aprovecho la oportunidad para desearte una feliz año nuevo. Que llegue a ti con bendiciones, felicidad, salud , paz y prosperidad