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RE: The shadow of a little panther

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

Adopting an animal implies a great responsibility. I'm getting married, where I feel very comfortable, unfortunately it is small and has no garden. Animals need space and as you say, I am a traveler and I spend long periods outside. Now I travel less, due to pandemic issues, and on those trips, they could not accompany me and leaving them to someone else implies commitments. In addition, I assure you that cat does not need me, he has his companions and a beautiful patio where they really do not lack anything. They say, and I don't know if it is true, that cats have telepathic powers, so they know perfectly well the intentions of those who approach them. I have never harbored animosity towards them, which on the other hand, I love them. So, we get along great and we respect each other. A hug