Shadowhunter Contest Round 307 - My first entry, shadows and bikes [ENG-ESP] Mi primer participación, sombras y bicicletas


Good evening, wherever you are, I'm here to share with you some of the shadows I've hunted, inspired by @jlufer and the initiative that I understand @melinda010100 is carrying out and always caught my attention but I had not participated before. This is the link in case you are interested.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Buenas tardes-noches por donde anden, llego aquí a compartirles un poco de las sombras que he cazado, inspirada por @jlufer y la iniciativa que entiendo lleva adelante @melinda010100 y siempre me llamó la atención pero no había participado antes. [Este es el link]( en caso de que te interese.


I'm Erika, Argentina, lover of photography and always discovering new worlds through it and other artistic branches. Experimenting and tempting my possibilities are the spice of my days and I choose to take my artistic vein, so, although I was eager to participate here, I expanded my mind to be attentive to the shadows that cross my path, and just the other day, I found this track in the Velodrome of Lanus and I did not think of anything else "these wheels will be my first entry in the contest of shadows".

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Soy Erika, Argentina, amante de la fotografía y descubriendo siempre mundos nuevos a través de ella y otras ramas artísticas. Experimentar y tentar mis posibilidades son el picante de mis días y elijo llevar así mi veta artística, por eso, aunque venía con ganas de participar aquí, expandí mi mente para estar atenta a las sombras que se cruzan en mi camino, y justamente el otro día, di con esta pista en el Velódromo de Lanús y no pensé en otra cosa “estas ruedas serán mi primer entrada en el contest de sombras”


In my approximate measurements, this cycling track must be 1 kilometer long and when the sun goes down, more bikes are arriving and you can see a lot of wheels. I didn't take into account that from this end of the track the sun goes down very beautifully and generates this giant shadow underneath them.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

En mis medidas aproximadas, esta pista de ciclismo debe tener 1 kilómetro y cuando el sol va cayendo van llegando más bicicletas y se ven mucha cantidad de ruedas. No tenía en cuenta que desde este extremo de la pista el sol baja muy bonito y genera esta sombra gigante debajo de ellas.


I was very captivated, even though the photos are not the best, and I didn't go out especially looking for shadows, these bicycles going around and around inspired me to look for ways to show their shadows. Seeing as if it were mirrored on the ground a cyclist and his gigantic shadow chasing him was a great sight.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Me sentí muy cautivada, aunque las fotos no sean de lo mejor, y tampoco salí especialmente a buscar sombras, estas bicicletas dando vueltas y vueltas me inspiraron a buscar la forma de mostrar sus sombras. Ver como si fuese espejo en el suelo a un ciclista y su sombra agigantada persiguiéndolo fue un espectáculo grandioso.


I've always been a photography enthusiast and being able to capture these kinds of lights, shadows or reflections to share is a maddening exercise, I love the idea. I hope you liked the photos, anyway the one chosen to participate is the first one, but I didn't want to fail to show that all of them were amazing and equally striking to me.

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Siempre he sido una entusiasta de la fotografía y poder capturar este tipo de luces, sombras o reflejos para compartir son un ejercicio enloquecedor, me encanta la idea. Espero que les hayan gustado las fotos, de todos modos la elegida para participar es la primera, pero no quería dejar de mostrar que todas fueron sorprendentes e igual de llamativas para mi.


Thanks for the chance to participate and any advice or comments, I'd love to read them below or you can write me on my Discord. Greetings to all!

SPANISH VERSION (click here!)

Gracias por la posibilidad de participar y cualquier consejo o comentario, me encantará leerlo debajo o puedes escribirme a mi Discord. Saludos a todos!

Thanks for reading me, Kiki✨

Gracias por leerme, Kiki ✨

barra little sorceress gif.gif

I own the rights to all the photos I used in this post

Soy la propietaria de todas las fotos que he usado hoy

Pictures taken with a Samsung A42 & Nikon D3200📷

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Let's talk on Discord: littlesorceress #8877

Imágenes editadas con Canva

Formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo


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Hello dear friend @littlesorceress good afternoon
Welcome to the community, what beautiful shadow shots you have chosen to participate in the contest.
That is what makes a shadow hunter, being attentive since we never know when a shadow projection will be in front of us. I loved this velodrome and what beautiful shadow photographs you have achieved.
Thank you very much for joining our community. May you enjoy it a lot
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon

Thank you very much my friend! I hope I can go hunting for shadows and improve my eye and my photography. I've already said it, but it never hurts to repeat it, this is a perfect exercise to go around the city without knowing what awaits us and how to play with it in the camera! I hope this is the first of many, and to be able to share my findings with happiness. I wish you a good night and many more shadows to discover!

Welcome to the Shadow Hunters Community! This is a lovely shadow filled post and a great shadow photo entry!


Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it and I'm grateful for your words 😊

Yay! 🤗
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Thanks 💚🤗

Me gustó mucho la primera foto, es como una especie de bosque encantado con el reflejo del sol traspasando el centauro, mitad mecánico y mitad humano, feliz noche

Wow amigo, que bella manera de expresar lo que capturé, realmente poético! Gracias por compartirlo, y me alegro que te haya gustado! Un abrazo grande!

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