
Good morning @melinda010100 hope this finds you well and happy. We just got back from visiting the family, my oldest grandchild Ava graduated 8th grade and of course a big celebration was in order, brought the whole family plus friends into town. It was a wonderful reunion. Lots of food, fun and splashing in the pool. PHEW! This ole gal is happily exhausted. hehe

I was so glad I snapped a few shadows before we left, it motivated me to join the fun this week in #shadowhunters. Happy to hear from you.
Enjoy your day my friend.

Graduations are always great excuses for a party! My youngest grandson graduated from high school this year. These kids are growing up. He stopped by less evening with a girl and I was quite pleased that he wanted to introduce her to me. She was delightful. He leaves for University in 2 weeks. His sister still has two years of high school left but then they will all be fast approaching adulthood. Certainly makes me feel ancient!