Shadow Hunters Contest - Round 227 ]

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago

Hello Friends

How are you all I hope you are well. I'm fine too. Today I have come up with new shadow photography with you. My shadow picture today is a little different. So let's take a look at my today's shadow photography. I hope everyone will like it



My sedo today is a little different. I was going to the market by the road near my house. Then a goat was walking along the road. Then I saw that goat wearing sedo. Then I captured the photography of those sedo. And share it with you.



This is how I took pseudophotography at several angles. I like it. I hope you like it too.

In this way, I have shared the photography of some angles of the tree. I hope everyone will like the photography.

Shadow Hunters is a tag started by @melinda010100!
Thanks for a generous donation to the prize fund by The Shadow Hunters Community and @melinda010100. Thanks also to @good-karma at @ecency,@pixresteemer, @taskmanager and @archon

All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my Redmi5, unless specified.
Thank you for stopping by to view this article.I post an article daily, and I hope to see you again soon!


That is a delightful goat shadow photo! I really like the photos you included in your post of the goat from several angles. Thanks for entering the shadow contest again 🌞