
LOL did you get the meow meows? You've been missing in action for long @nineclaws

I did not get the meow meows....too tired to meow today. I was out all day yesterday in a deep meditation practice and did not get home until 7 pm, had supper, and an hour later was off to sleep. Very productive day yesterday.

Sounds like a great day to me. 😊

It was! I also managed to get a good bunch of peppermint, found some horsetail (a lovely surprise), also a nice bunch of staghorn sumac, plus some tree and water meditation. I feel rejuvenated today.

Woah woah .. you've got to explain all this to me, not familiar with most of this lol horsetail? is it some kind of herb or like oxtail in a soup?

Horsetail is a medicinal herb (not oxtail in soup 😋).Horsetail Also

Hmm, so what do you use it in ?