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RE: If You Are Crazy About Shadow Hunting, You Can Find Them Even In Hospital!

in Shadow Hunters β€’ 3 years ago

😁😁😁 Many, many thanks again @melinda010100!
Do you remember your suggestion to involve the staff? I had some funny moments when I tried to do that. One of the nurses heard my talk with another medical worker and got angry. She sad that I have no right to take pictures inside the department because it may hurt them somehow. It took me time to calm her and explain but I am sure she still doesn't understand why I was doing that "stupidity". She is the oldest one here with very old and strict point of view and, luckily, the only one. The others liked my pictures when they saw them. 😁😁😁❀

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I am sorry the old nurse got angry! I hope she doesn't think that they will be caught doing something wrong. I'm pretty sure these days she can't stop people from taking photos. I'm glad the others liked your photos,

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

Please do not feel sorry, that was just what I expected, and it was funny to see that reaction. 😁