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RE: I Went To Shadow Hunters Contest And All I Got Were These Shitty Haircuts

in Shadow Hunters3 years ago

I use peakd most of the time, I like Ecency but I hate using my phone. It has silly shit like autocorrect. Keeps changing shit, like seriously who says mother duck in the middle of a sentence?

Nice bike btw , semi rigid or stiff? only know the French terminology as didn't do any mountain biking or cruising on a non motorized bike until here. BMX now as a kid that was my shit.

Love the Fuji bikes, Like the attention to detail, the heft where it matters. Also love the fact I've never watched my front wheel roll away while I hold the bars.

get out there and freeze the balls of man, Sun in Tennessee this time of year is a rare thing.

Betty Davis is ALWAYS Funny/Great/Insane depends on the context 😁

Still a beauty, I like the Fujis


Nice! At least you know a competent brand. It's a Fuji Auric One.1. <- That link is a 2015, I couldn't find a 2018 model 🤔. Full suspension downhill bike. 👍🏿 I could tell you specs but Full suspension downhill bike and the link is plenty of description. 42mm of travel or something crazy.

Does that mean you never got to see my video?

Dude check it out if you haven't seen it and let me know what you think. It's about 5 weeks old now—last time I got to do anything before it started raining so don't vote it!! Eh, and notice when I'm flying through all those speed sections and never in the whole 9 minutes do you hear the bike squeak or tweak or make any sound other than what's under the tires.

Looks nice and smooth on trail, no suspicious sounds of loose / lost bolts and nuts either😁. Only ever been on the Fuji bikes a few times, always felt well designed and solid.

Still checking out the hive ecosystem, didn't even know you could vote on the videos too so that's new, guessing its the same 7 day limit.

Yes'ir. Don't trip I have a lot to learn still too. Hive is the chain and everything else we access/post on/record to is a front end working on that chain. That's what 3speak is, the youtube version of a decentralized platform for video hosting. Same 7 day window.

When Pura saw that clip, that's when the rule was written: Can only ride these trails twice. She was "if you're goin that fast the second time that's all you get, no riding them a third time cuz we can't have you injured."