Shopping for a SMASh ~ the shadows variety

Hello Hello shadow hunters and hello to all you sunny positive people of the Hive

It's my second shadow hunt in this spring!

Actually it was not a planned hunt, but isn't that the way, often the best things in life are planned.

Today is an outdoors shadow hunt... and was on 23rd April

I was on a mission ...

We had such a crappy cold April that Spring seems delayed and the Apple tree usually has leaves by now!

But today we had sun and of course sun means shadows....

I still had no intention of taking shadows pictures for a post as I was on a mission. This was also the weekend that the Links market was in town.

The Links market is actually the carnivals! I still need to post about that!

That is yours truly in the shadow, I turned round to see where I had come and what the weather is like.

The floodlights in the distance are at the football ground Starks Park home of Raith Rovers our local club and they are in the playoffs, potentially they might get into the top league.

Am not sure what I think about that as we live opposite the away end and thought of thousands of Celtic fans walking past my garden does not give me good feelings ....

Can you guess where I was going by the shadows?

There is another clue .... Do you have a Lidl in your country?

Aha there we go, the carnival was packing up, it stretches along the Esplanade on the seafront and is Europe's longest street market.

Time to nip in and fill my trolley up with goodies from the supermarket.


Yes you can see my wee trolley, Mrs T calls him the wee guy and insists I take him if I am getting a few bags rather than lug them up murder hill.

It took me a few trips before I learnt to say fluff it and use it if I know I need to get a load of heavy or bulky items.

I do make sure I go when there are no schoolkids going up or down murder hill!

But now, decisions, decisions, decisions!

Yes it's that time for me to choose my entry picture!

So here 👇👇👇 is my entry for Show Me A Shadow - Round 30

I have chosen this picture because when I look at it reminds me of a horse with its nose buried in a bag full of oats that is trying to get my attention!!!

Do you see the horses head with its nose and mouth in bag full of food!

I never know which picture to choose as the entry, and these ones are quite varied to say the least!

What do you think? Did I pick the suitable one, or would you have chosen another one?


This is my contribution to Shadow Hunters /SMASh Contest-Round 321 from the marvellously magical @melinda010100 and the Shadow Hunters community.

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.
@tengolotodo May 11th 2024


Haste Ye Back!

(3 - May 1 VR)

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Great shadow hunting Ed. I was in Lidl yesterday and was generally pleased with their offerings, although I couldn't find any Windbeutels..

I remember when Lidl first came to the UK years and years ago and they were rank rotten, then we lived in Spain for a good few years and came back and then Lidl & Aldi actually had food you wanted to eat!

Shame about your Windbeutels Steve! Cream Puffs! Do you have yours filled with ice cream?

I know what you mean Ed. It has improved alot. I prefer the Eclairs to Windbeutels although my wife says they not the same. I like them frozen like ice cream 😃

Oh now those get my vote Steve, I am a sucker for Eclairs in any form hehe!

Beautiful shadows!! 😂😂😂😂 and it does look like a fluffing horse. Plus… that wee guy is such a cute thing. Hehehehe Love the pictures and your storytelling as always Eddie.

Thank you Deraa, well I do love telling a wee tale, and this was a horse and its nosebag!

Lovely shadows you have captured and yes, it looks like a horse head, the entry photo. 😄
We too have Lidl and it is a walking distance from home. I even thought of going there today. Oh yes, the wee trolley is something that I have too. 😄

Hehe thanks Neli, yeah a horse and it's nosebag lol.

Oh you use the trolley too, they are great and I must admit I never thought I would quite happily use one hehe

Haha the shadow looks like a horse! 🐎🐎

Hehe I think so, have you ever ridden one?

I don't know about Lidl over here. Great to see a shadow entry from you again


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Did I pick the suitable one, the picture serves just fine. You are one good story teller. Kudos and a nice week to you.